Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Máster Universitario en Dirección de Arte en Publicidad
  Projects: creation and presentation
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Systematic observation It is valued the assistance and participation in the lessons 20 A2
Portfolio / dossier Practices associated to the creation and improvement of personal portfolio 60 B2
Presentation On sale associated presentations personnel and sale of ideas 20 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation

Practices and Weighting Percentage

The subject is structured into several workshops. The practices carried out in these workshops constitute 80% of the grade. The remaining 20% is based on attendance in the different workshops (systematic observation).

Information regarding the tasks to be performed, their format, length, evaluation rubric, and submission channels will be explained in person in the classroom and/or through the Moovi platform.

Attendance to classroom sessions. Weighting: 20% of the total grade. Attendance will be recorded in all subject sessions (attendance sheet indicating name, ID, and signature). This will serve as evidence of attendance and the only way to qualify for the 20% weighting.


Students who follow the continuous evaluation must pass in a second opportunity any methodologies or tests that were not passed in the first attempt.

To coordinate the second chance, students must contact the responsible teacher, who will establish the relevant tests either through Moovi or in person, on the date established and approved by the Faculty Board.

The second chance conditions described here apply to all subsequent opportunities.


The default evaluation system at the University of Vigo is the continuous evaluation system. Students who choose the global evaluation system must follow the following guidelines.

Mandatory formal guidelines prior to evaluation:

Students must inform the teacher of their explicit renunciation of the continuous evaluation system within the deadline established by the institution, attaching the duly completed and signed document provided for this purpose.

Guidelines on the evaluation day:

The global evaluation test will be conducted on the date and at the times set by the institution in the official examination calendar, and it will systematically assess all methodologies and tests established in the course guide. Students must pass each and every evaluation test, obtaining a minimum score of 5 points in each of them.

Practices and Weighting Percentage

P1. Practice 1. Weighting: 25% of the total grade. Information regarding the tasks to be performed, their format, length, evaluation rubric, and submission channels will be explained in person in the classroom and/or through the Moovi platform.

P2. Practice 2. Weighting: 25% of the total grade. Information regarding the tasks to be performed, their format, length, evaluation rubric, and submission channels will be explained in person in the classroom and/or through the Moovi platform.

P3. Practice 3. Weighting: 25% of the total grade. Information regarding the tasks to be performed, their format, length, evaluation rubric, and submission channels will be explained in person in the classroom and/or through the Moovi platform.

P4. Practice 4. Weighting: 25% of the total grade. Information regarding the tasks to be performed, their format, length, evaluation rubric, and submission channels will be explained in person in the classroom and/or through the Moovi platform.

P1(25%) + P2(25%) + P3(25%) + P4(25%) = 100% of the grade

Information about evaluation tests, their format, length, evaluation rubric, and submission channels will be provided in detail through the Moovi platform. It is the student's responsibility to pay attention to the uploaded information and collect the specific and complementary information required to pass the subject.

Other aspects to consider

This subject is taught in face-to-face mode, so it is the students' duty to attend the teaching sessions according to the schedule established by the institution.

As mentioned when explaining the continuous evaluation system, attendance will be taken in all sessions (attendance sheet indicating name, ID, and signature).

This regulation applies to all enrolled students in this subject WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

The course guide presents the general outline of the subject. Due to space limitations and the impossibility of uploading additional documentation on the Docnet platform, more specific details regarding the global evaluation system will be managed through the Moovi platform in due time.

For everything not explicitly contemplated and/or detailed in this guide, the instructions of the "Regulamento sobre a avaliación, a calificación e a calidade da docencia e do proceso de aprendizaxe do estudantado" (Approved by the Board on April 18, 2023) will be taken as reference. Available at:
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000