Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comunicación
Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual
  Audiovisual Analysis and Criticism
Topic Sub-topic
1. Foundations 1.1. The reading of the images
1.2. Ways of approaching the audiovisual text
2.Concept and function 2.1. The critical sense
2.2. The art like criticism
2.3. The criticism like art
2.4. The critical exercise
3.Forms 3.1. The word
3.2. The image, the sound
4.Histories 4.1. The transit of the classicism to the modernity
4.2. The institutionalisation of the cinematographic knowledge
4.3. Mutations of the contemporary cinema
5.Theories 5.1. The realism
5.2. The authorship and the mise en scene
5.3. The theorisation
5.4. The politisation
5.5. The recapitulation
5.6. The contemporary critical debate
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