Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Comunicación
Grado en Comunicación Audiovisual
  Radio Communication
Topic Sub-topic
UNIT DIDACTICA 1: INTRODUCCI*ÓN GENERAL To The HISTORY And THEORY OF The RADIO SUBJECT 1: BRIEF HISTORY OF The RADIO 1. History and evolution of the radio 2. *Orson *Welles And the War of the Worlds 3.- History of the radio in Spain 4. The first *emisora Spanish 5. The Civil War and the radio.
UNIT DIDACTICA 2: TECHNIQUE OF The COMMUNICATION RADIO*FÓNICA. SUBJECT 2: The LOCUCION RADIO*FÓNICA 1.Conditionings of the *locución 2. The importance of the voice in *locución 3. Mechanisms of production of the voice 4. Qualities of the voice 5. Technique and vocal hygiene 6. The prosody or the sense of the message 7. The pronunciation or the meaning of the message 8. Exercises of voice: relaxation, breath, *fonación, resonance and articulation. 9. Exercises of expressive reading.
DIDACTIC UNIT 3: LANGUAGE And NARRATIVE RADIO*FÓNICA SUBJECT 3: The ENCRYPTION OF The MESSAGE RADIO*FÓNICA 1.The language and the style *radiofónico. 2. *Vocalización, *dicción and *entonación in Radio 3. Characteristics of the communication *radiofónica. 4. The elements of the language *radiofónica it) The word *b) The music *c) The effects of sound *d) The silence 5. Characteristics of the editorial of the texts *radiofónicos
DIDACTIC UNIT 4: PRODUCTION, REALIZATION, PROGRAMMING And DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT 4: PRODUCTION, REALIZATION, SCRIPT And PROGRAMMING 1.Technical *radiofónicas: Production and realization *radiofónica. 2. The *guion *radiofónico: characteristics. 2. Editorial of the *guion. Councils of writing. 3. Expressive elements of the script 4. The skeleton of the script 5. Structure of the script SUBJECT 5: SCRIPT And JOURNALISTIC GENDERS IN The RADIO. 1. The script and the journalistic genders. 2. The news in the radio and his characteristics 3. The chronicle 4. The *reportaxe *radiofónica 5. The interview *radiofónica 6. The survey. 6. Norms of manufacture 7.- The script by types of programs 8. The commercial script in radio. SUBJECT 6: The GENDERS OF FICTION And PASTIME 1. The genders of fiction *radiofónica 2. The genders of pastime in the radio it) The *magacín *b) The specialized magazines *c) The musical programs *d)The programs of participation and)The sportive programs *f) The *faladoiros and debates SUBJECT 7: The ADVERTISING IN The RADIO 1. Formats *radiofónicos of the advertising 2. The reign of the *jingle or *cuña sung 3. *Necrolóxicas 4. The advertising contents in the radio. SUBJECT 8. The PODCAST And The AUDIBLE FICTION IN The RADIO 1. Irruption and history of the podcast 2. Birth of the Podcast in Spain "He big *apagón. 3.- *Podium *Podcast and other platforms of audible fiction in radio 4. New models of production
DIDACTIC UNIT 5: The SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF The RADIO SUBJECT 9. The SOCIAL FUNCTIONS OF The RADIO APPROXIMATION To The CONCEPT OF PROPAGANDA To RADIO HOW POLITICAL WEAPON OF WAR 1. Approximation to the concept of Propaganda. 2. The word and the power along the history. 3. Forms to attach to the receiving 4. The radio how political weapon 5. Propaganda *radiofónica during the Cold War 6.- The radio in the totalitarian regimes.
UNIT DIDACTICA 6. ESTRUCTURA OF The RADIO IN SPAIN SUBJECT 10: RADIO And AUDIOVISUAL MEANS. The INFORMATIVE COMPANY. STRUCTURE OF The RADIO IN SPAIN 1. Models and juridical regime of the radio in Spain. 2. Nature of the company of communication 3. Structure of the company *multimedia. 4. The audiovisual companies 5. Main groups *multimedia in Spain 6. 6. The radio through the cinema
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