Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grado en Ingeniería Forestal
  Primary wood processing industries
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to the subject. Presentation of the sector of first transformation of the wood in Galicia, Spain and Europe
Technology of the sawed of the wood Wooden section in roll
Section of court of the trunk
Section of manipulation of the wood sawed
Machinery of sawed
Systems of sawed of the wood
Lines of processed
The cut of the wood Characteristics of the tool
Preparation and conservation of tools of court
Parameters of court
Definition of the tool of court
Manufacture of wooden sheet to the flat Definition and use of the wooden sheet to the flat
Process of manufacture of the wooden sheet to the flat
Manufacture of boards plywoods Definition, properties and types of board plywood
Process of manufacture of the board plywood
Manufacture of boards of particles and wooden fibres Boards of particles. Properties, uses and process of manufacture
Boards of hard fibre. Properties, uses and process of manufacture
Boards of fibre of half density. Properties, uses and process of manufacture
Properties and employment of the main wooden species of industrial use Physical characteristics, mechanical and applications of the main wooden species of conifers, leafy and tropical
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