Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grado en Ingeniería Forestal
  Forest constructions
Topic Sub-topic
1.- Previous concepts of mechanics and principles of materials resistance. 1.- Moment of a force, Balance of a body, Diagram of the Free Body, Reactions, Unions and supports.
2.- Centers of gravity, centroid, first-order static moment, moment of inertia, spinning radius.
3.- Forces distributed
4.- Curtains
5.- General principles and definitions of the Resistance of Materials.
2.- The elastic solid 1.- Tension state of a point, intrinsic components of tension, stress matrix, stresses, strain matrix.
2.- Diagrams of solicitations.
3.- Introduction to Hyperestaticity, degree of hyperstability, Compatibility Equations of Deformations.
3.- Axial Efforts. Traction-Compression 1.- Traction test of ductile materials.
2.- The elastic regime. Young's Modulus, Poisson's Coefficient.
3.- Uniaxial tensile strain.
4.- Hyperasticity in bars subjected to axial stress.
4.- Introduction to the Cut 1.- Cutting voltage, angular distortion, Rigidity module.
2.- Joints: screws and rivets.
3.- Types of failure in joints by shear stress.
5.- Introduction to Twisting 1.- Elementary theory of torsion in prisms of circular section.
2.- Tension and strain analysis, turning angle.
6.- Introduction to Flexion
1. Beams: definition and classes. Applied forces
2.- Cutting force and bending moment
3.- Relations between shear, bending and load
4.- Cutting and bending diagrams
5.- Types of flexion. Hypothesis and limitations
6.- Normal stresses. Law of Navier
7.- Concept of resistant module
8.- Bending deformations: Differential Equation of the Elastic, Theorems of Mohr.
9.- Hyperelastic Flexing
7- Introduction to Buckling 1.- Buckling instability.
2. Euler's critical load.
3.- Limit of application of the formula of Euler, mechanical slenderness, efficient sections.
8.- Introduction to the analysis of structures 1.- Reticulated structures.
2.- Porticos, semipórticos and pictures.
3.- Initiation to the matrix calculation.
4.- Limit States.
5.- Degrees of Freedom.
9.- Constructive elements: metallic, cement, concrete, wood. 1.- Foundations. Land.
2.- Cement and Concrete.
3.- Industrial Warehouses.
10.- Obligatory standards in construction.
1.- Standards obliged to comply. Building Technical Code.
2.- Eurocode.
11.- Forest roads

1.- Land analysis and soil improvement.
2.- Planning of Roads
12.- Construction Projects

1.- Calculation Systems and Budget.
2.- Systems of contracting and control of works. Pert, Gant.
3.- Quality control of buildings.
4.- Prevention Plan.
5.- Principles of Maintenance.
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