Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Aeronáutica e do Espazo
Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial
  Physics: Physics II
   Contingency plan

In view of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by the COVID-19, the University of Vigo has established an extraordinary planning that will be activated at the time when the administrations and the institution itself determine it in accordance with safety, health and responsibility criteria, and guaranteeing teaching in a non-presential or partially presential scenario. These measures, already planned, guarantee the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way when they are known beforehand (or well in advance) by students and teachers through the standardized and institutionalized tool of teaching guides.


* Teaching methodologies that are maintained

Classes are held in person as long as this is permitted by the regulations in force and it can be guaranteed that the students present maintain the necessary separation distance due to the health situation.

* Teaching methodologies that are modified

Online classes will be given simultaneously with face-to-face teaching to those students who, due to space restrictions, cannot access the face-to-face class.

* Non-attendance mechanism for students (mentoring)

All the mentoring will take place in the "remote campus" enabled by the University of Vigo while the situation of "new normality" lasts. An appointment with the professor will be requested by e-mail. In case the rules of personal distance disappear, the mentoting will be held in the office of the professor of the subject.

* Modifications (if necessary) of the contents to be taught

There are no modifications to the contents, except in the case that the health situation prevents the performance of laboratory practices in a face-to-face manner, in which case the students will be entrusted with tasks to be carried out autonomously in a non-presential manner.

* Additional bibliography to facilitate self-learning

In addition to the existing bibliography in electronic format, the use of wikipedia is recommended for the basic contents of the subject when indicated by the teaching staff.

Some contents of the course can be followed remotely for free on the following websites:

The notes made by the teachers of the subject will be made available to the student in Moovi.

* Other modifications

If the evaluation can be done in person, the student's final grade will be the sum of the following grades:

Control exam of the first two chapters (electrostatics and magnetostatics). Up to 1 point.

Control exam of the rest of the course. Up to 1 point

Assistance and work on the practices carried out in the laboratory. Up to 2 points.

Examination of all the contents of the subject. Up to 6 points

If the evaluation cannot be made in person, the student's final grade will be the sum of the following grades:

Online control test of the first two chapters (electrostatics and magnetostatics). Up to 1 point.

Online control test of the rest of the course. Up to 1 point

Assistance and work on the practices carried out in the laboratory. Up to 2 points.

Delivery of bulletins of problems solved in an autonomous way. Up to 2 points.

Online examination of all the contents of the subject. Up to 4 points

*Additional information

The performance of laboratory practices in person at the facilities of the University of Vigo on the campus of Ourense will be subject to the restrictions of space that may come given the evolution of the health situation and existing regulations. If it is not possible to carry out all the practices, they will be replaced by non-presential activities that the student can carry out remotely.

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