Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Aeronáutica e do Espazo
Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial
  Mathematics: Calculus I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Autonomous problem solving A written exam will be conducted at the end of the first part of the
course (sequences and series) to assess the independent solution of
exercises and/or problems,which will account for 20% of the final
mark. Another written test will be conducted at the end of the second
part of the course (calculus in one variable), also to evaluate for 30% of the final mark.
50 A1
Practices through ICT The practicals represent 10 % of the final mark and will be evaluated beginning in the second session. 10 B2
Essay questions exam A final exam on the contents of all the course will be given. 40 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

The student has the right to opt for the global assessment according to the procedure and the deadline established by the centre for each call.

The final grade for students with continuous assessment is calculated as follows:

  • 20% with a written test at the end of the first part of the subject related to sequences and series
  • 30% with a written test at the end of the part related to calculation of a variable
  • 10% as a result of practices from the second to the sixth
  • 40% with a final exam on the contents of the entire subject

To pass the final exam, students must obtain at least 30% of the maximum mark in each section of the course. If a student fails to reach this 30% threshold in any section but achieves a weighted total score of 5 points or higher, the recorded grade will be 4.9 points (failed)).

The evaluation system for the second exam call is the same as for the first, with grades for problem-solving, exercises, class attendance, and participation being carried over.

Students who do no attend classes or the regular exam call can take a comprehensive exam that covers 100% of the final grade. The dates of the final exams are published on the website of the Escola de Enxeñaría Aeronáutica e do Espazo.

Ethical commitment:

Students are expected to maintain appropriate ethical behavior. If unethical behavior is detected (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized use of electronic devices), the student will not fulfill the requirements to pass the course.

In such cases, the overall grade for the current academic year will be marked as a failure (0.0). If necessary, an additional exam may be conducted to verify the acquisition of skills and knowledge by the student(s) involved.The use of mobile devices or laptops during exercises and practical sessions is prohibited, as per Real Decreto 1791/2010 of December 30, which approves the Statute of University Students. Article 13.2.d) specifically requires students to:

"Refrain from using or cooperating in fraudulent activities during evaluation tests, in the preparation of assignments, or in official university documents."

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000