Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
PCEO Grado en Turismo/Grado en Geografía e Historia
  Tourism marketing
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing Exhibition by part of the professor of the contents on the matter object of study, theoretical bases and/or guidelines of a work, exercise or project to develop by the student.
It recommends to the student that work previously the material delivered by the professor and that consult the bibliography recommended to complete the information with the end to follow the explanations.
Case studies Analysis of a fact, problem or real event with the purpose to know it, interpret it, resolve it, generate hypothesis, contrast data, complete knowledge, diagnose it and train in alternative solution procedures.
Learning-Service Combining processes of learning and service to the community in a project only articulated where the participants learn to work in the real needs of the environment with the aim of improving it.
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