Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Grado en Turismo
  Foreign languages for tourism IIA: English
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Project based learning Presentation of a topic 15 A1
Lecturing Analysis pf the acquisition of global contents presented in
these sessions
5 A3
Problem solving Exercises and practical activities that sum up the general
contents of the course
10 B4
Introductory activities Evaluation of communicative skills 10 A4
Laboratory practical Contextualised exercises and activities. Specific vocabulary 20 A4
Essay questions exam Exercises and activities in the areas of vocabulary, grammar,
reading, listening, speaking and writing
20 B1
Problem and/or exercise solving Exercises and practical activities that sum up the general
contents of the course in the oral and written communicative
20 B5
Other comments on the Evaluation


Students may opt for continuous assessment (A.1) or global assessment (A.2). Students must inform the teacher which of the two options they choose. Continuous assessment is recommended, as it is the most appropriate system for learning the subject. In order to take advantage of continuous assessment, students must hand in 80% of the programmed tasks and take the tests described in section A.1.The deadline for changing from continuous to global assessment is a month after the beginning of the teaching period.

The Global Assessment will take place on the official examination dates for each assessment opportunity established in the academic calendar approved by the Xunta de centro for the current academic year. In the event of conflict or disparity between the dates of the exams, those indicated on the FCETOU website will prevail.

A.1) Continuous assessment

In order to be eligible for continuous assessment, students must take the following tests:

- Speaking (20%): A test that will take place on the dates indicated in the timetable (cronogramas).

- Writing (20%): A test which will take place on the dates indicated in the timetable.

- Listening (10%): a test which will take place on the dates indicated in the timetable.

- Reading (10%): a test which will take place on the date indicated in the timetable.

- Use of English (40%): a test which will take place on the date indicated in the timetable.

The dates of the continuous assessment tests will be announced in the timetable published on the Faculty's website.

In order to pass the subject it will be necessary to:

1) Obtain a minimum mark of 5 as a result of the average of the written tests, according to the following weighting: Use of English (40%), Writing (20%), Listening (10%) and Reading (10%).

2) Obtain a minimum mark of 5 in the speaking test (20%).

Non taken exams and tests of the continuous assessment  will count as a 0 when calculating the continuous assessment averages. For the second edition  (July) the passed parts of the subject will be retained: a) written part of the subject (including Use of English, writing, reading and listening) b) oral part of the subject (speaking).

A.2) Global assessment

Students who do not attend classes regularly or do not take any partial test may take the global assessment, which will consist of a global overall final test that will count for 100% of the final grade.The final written exam will have the following percentages: Use of English (40%), Writing (20%), Reading (10%), Listening (10%).

The final oral exam (only for final assessment students) will take place on the same day as the final written exam and will account for 20% of the final mark.

A minimum mark of 5 in both the written exam and the oral exam will be required to pass the subject. The non taken global assessment exams will count as a 0 when calculating the averages of the single assessment.The date of this global assessment test for the first edition  will be set by the faculty and published on its website.For the second edition (July) the parts passed will be kept: a. oral exam (speaking) or b. written exam (including use of English, writing, reading and listening).

B) SECOND EDITION (July):Students who fail or do not sit the first edition will be assessed in the second edition in July by means of a single test which will have the same characteristics as the global test of the first edition:- The written exam will have the following percentages: Use of English (40%), Writing (20%), Reading (10%), Listening (10%).- The oral exam will take place on the same day as the written exam and will account for 20% of the final mark. A minimum mark of 5 in both the written and oral exams is required to pass the course. The non taken exams of the second edition  will count as a 0 when calculating the averages.The date of this July exam will be set by the faculty and published on its website. If students do not pass the subject in July, they will have to take the whole subject in subsequent academic years, as the parts passed will not be valid for later dates.

The dates and times of the exams of the different calls are those specified in the calendar of the exams approved by the Xunta de Centro for the current academic year 

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