Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Ciencias
Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
  Organic chemistry
Topic Sub-topic
I. Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Basic tools. 0. Introduction to Organic Chemistry
1. Atoms, orbitals and bonds
2. Representation of organic molecules
II. Structure 3. Functional groups
4. Stereochemistry
III. Structural determination 5. Structural characterization techniques: NMR, MS, IR, UV-VIS.
IV. Reactiivity 6. Acidity and basicity.
7. Reaction mechanisms: Reaction profiles. Kinetic and Thermodynamic control. Reaction types. Bond breaking and forming processes. Concerted and step-wise reactions.
V. Model reactions 8. Red-ox reactions
9. Substitution and elimination reactions.
10. Reactions on carbonyl groups
Development of a project in the field of circular economy. Revalorization of Food Industry Residues 4 sesions
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