Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Máster Universitario en Biotecnología Avanzada
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Possess and comprise knowledges that contribute a base or opportunity to be original in the development and/or aplication of ideas, often in a context of innovation
  A2 Aplication of the knowledges acquired and problem solving in new surroundings or little known in wider contexts (or multidisciplinary) related with the area of study
  A3 Integrate knowledge and make judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of their knowledge and judgements.
  A4 Communicate findings and the ultimate knowledge and rationale underpinning them to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
  A5 Acquire the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Analyses and sinthesis (found the right problems and identify causes and its typology)
  B2 Organise and schedule all the resources (human, material, information and infrastructures)
  B3 Capacity of information management (with support of TICs)
  B4 Planificar y elaborar estudios técnicos en biotecnología microbiana, vegetal y animal
  B5 Identify problems, make decisions and apply them in a biotech professional and research contexts.
  B6 Oral and writting efective communication of the plans and maked decisions
  B7 Formulate judgments on the current and future ethical and social problems posed by Biotechnology
  B8 Achieve effective communication with the scientific, professional and academic community, as well as with other sectors and media
  B9 Multi-departamental team-work within the company
  B10 Work in contexts of sustainability, characterized by: sensitivity to the environment and to different organizations that make it up as well as awareness for sustainable development
  B11 Critical reasoning and deep respect for ethics and intellectual integrity
  B12 Adapt to new legal situations, or technological innovations as well as exceptionalities associated with situations of emergency
  B13 Autonomous Learning
  B14 Leadership and coordination capacity
  B15 Awareness towards quality, respect for the environment and the responsible consumption of resources and the recovery of waste
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Know how to search for and analyze the biodiversity of microorganisms, plants and animals as well as select those of greatest interest biotechnological (applied)
  C2 Integrated vision of the metabolism and control of gene expression in order to address its manipulation
  C3 Know the biotechnological applications of microorganisms, plants and animals and know how to manipulate them for their biotech application
  C4 Master culture techniques and cell engineering
  C5 Know the principles of genomics and proteomics
  C6 Apply conventional and instrumental techniques in biotechnology, as well as technologies such as nanotechnology and remote sensing
  C7 Search, obtain and interpret information from biological databases: genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics and use the basic tools of bioinformatics
  C8 Know the basics of the design and operation of a bioreactor
  C9 Design and carried out a complete purification protocol for a molecule, organelle or cell fraction
  C10 Design, plan, evaluate and optimize biotechnological production systems
  C11 Design and manage biotechnology-based projects
  C12 Manage quality control systems
  C13 Manage and work with guarantees in any biotechnological laboratory in the public or private sector
  C14 Have an integrated vision of the R&D processes from the discovery of new basic knowledge to the development of specific applications of this knowledge and the introduction of new biotechnological products on the market
  C15 Design prospective market research for a biotechnological product
  C16 Analyze the financial aspects of the biotech market
  C17 Search and obtain information from the main patent databases and prepare the application report for a patent for a biotechnological process
  C18 Know and apply the ethical and legal aspects that affect the different disciplines related to Biotechnology
  C19 Know all the legal aspects in the field of Biotechnology
  C20 Implement quality and safety systems in laboratories and companies in accordance with current regulations
  C21 Identify and use microbial, plant and animal resources of biotechnological interest as well as their applications in industry food and agriculture
  C22 Design and control production processes in the food and agricultural industries
  C23 Know and apply food analysis techniques and their applications
  C24 Know the strategies of production and improvement of food by biotechnological methods
  C25 Implement quality control processes, control of critical points and traceability in industries agrifood
  C26 Know the applications of biotechnology to sustainable development
  C27 Identify problems of environmental pollution and know how to make environmental impact assessments
  C28 Apply detection techniques and treatment of environmental pollution
  C29 Apply bioremediation and biorecovery techniques to contaminated environments
  C30 Use environmental pollution prevention and management actions focused on pollution control and minimising its effects.
  C31 Carrying out environmental pollution audits
  C32 Identify the types of general molecular and cellular processes involved in pathologies.
  C33 Molecular diagnostics of diseases and gene therapies
  C34 Perform assisted reproductive techniques in humans and animals.
  C35 Designing, developing and producing vaccines and drugs
  C36 Identify the genetic factors responsible for variable responses to drugs, nutrients and xenobiotics and know how to perform them in the design of new specific drugs.
  C37 Performing forensic biology techniques
  C38 Generate and develop ideas, turning them into something new in order to achieve concrete solutions that transform life and its environment, and that turn them into the start-up of a company.
  C39 Innovate continuously, assessing benefits and risks and coming up with new ideas and ways of doing things
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Understand the meaning and application of the gender perspective in the different fields of knowledge and in practice with the aim of achieving a more just and egalitarian society
  D2 Oral and writing communication in the Galician language
  D3 Sustainability and environmental commitment. Commit to sustainability and the environment. Fair use, responsible and resource efficient
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