Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Electronic Instrumentation and Sensors
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical The lecturers will check the level of compliance of the students with the goals related to the laboratory skills. They will consider the work of the students carried out before the practical session to prepare the proposed tasks, the attendance, and the quality of the work done. Marks for each session (LSM: Laboratory Session Mark) will be assigned in a 10 points scale. Final mark of laboratory, FML, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. For the evaluation of these sessions, the lecturer will assess the group work (the same mark for each member), the individual preliminary tasks and the answers to personalised questions for each session. In these works, the skills B3, B4, B5, C42, C46, D2 and D3 (DCG3, CG4, CG5, CE42, CE46, CT2 and CT3) will be evaluated.
35 B3
Mentored work The lecturers will consider the quality of results obtained, their presentation and analysis, and the quality of the final report. The tutored work mark, TWM, will be graded in a 10 points scale. For the evaluation of the project, the lecturer will assess the group work (the same mark for each member). In these works, the skills B3, B4, B5, C42, C46, D2 and D3 (DCG3, CG4, CG5, CE42, CE46, CT2 and CT3) will be evaluated. 15 B3
Objective questions exam The lecturers will check the level of compliance of the students with the goals related to the theory skills. Marks for each test will be assessed in a 10 points scale. Final mark of theory, FMT, will be assessed in a 10 points scale. In these tests, the skills B3, B4, B5, C42, C46, D2 and D3 (DCG3, CG4, CG5, CE42, CE46, CT2 and CT3) will be evaluated. 50 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

1.  Continuous Assesment

According to the guidelines of the degree and the agreements of the academic commission, a continuous assessment learning scheme will be offered to the students.

It understands
that the students that assist to the two first activities evaluated  just after a month from
the beginning of the classes opts by the Continuous Assesment of the subject.

The subject comprises three different parts: theory (50 %), laboratory practical (35%) and tutored work (15%). The marksare valid only for the current academic course. The final grade for the students which have selected this option, may not be "no standing".

Any one of the activities following this evaluation type is not recoverable, except that they are properly justified following the criteria billed in the rule approved by the Claustro of the University on 18 April 2023.

1.a Theory

Two partial testing (PT) are scheduled. The first exam will be performed after unit 5, in the usual weekly scheduling of the theoretical classes. The second exam will be performed during the examination period in the date specified in the academic calendar.

Each theory exam will be comprised short answer tests and long answer development. Marks for each theory exam will be assessed in a 10 points scale.

The final mark of theory (FMT), will be the arithmetic mean of the two parts:

FMT = (PT1 + PT2)/2

The minimum mark required to pass the theory is of 5 for each test (PTi>=5).

1.b  Laboratory

Seven laboratory sessions are scheduled. Each session lasts approximately 120 minutes and the students will work in small groups. This part also will be assessed by continuous assessment. Marks for each laboratory session (LSM) will be assessed in a 10 points scale.

The final mark of laboratory (FML) is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the individual laboratory session marks.

In order to pass the laboratory part the students can not miss more than one practical sessions and the minimum mark required is of 5 (FML>=5).

1.c Tutored work

In the first session of C hours, lecturers will present the objectives and the schedule of the work. They also assign a specific work to each group. After that, the most important part of the workload will be developed outside the classroom hours. The lecturers will monitor the group work and the individual student work in the following sessions of C hours. The students will be duly informed by the lecturer about the deadline for the report submission.

The minimum mark required to pass this part is of 5, TWM (Tutored Work Mark) >=5, and the students are only allowed to miss one tutored work session.

2.  Global Assesment

The students who prefer a different educational policy can attend an exam on a scheduled date. This exam will comprise three parts (similar to the activities completed by the continuously assessed students): theory exam, practical exam and tutored work. Dates will be specified in the academic calendar. In order to attend the practical exam and to assign the tutored work, the students have to contact to the lecturer according to an established procedure. The procedure will be published in advance.

The theory exam will be comprised two exams (PT) each one with short answer tests and long answer development. Marks for each test will be assessed in a 10 points scale. The final mark of theory (FMT) is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the individual marks:

FMT = (PT1 + PT2)/2

The practical exam will include the implementation of electronic circuits developed in the laboratory sessions as well as some short answer questions related to these sessions. The practical exam will be assessed in a 10 points scale and this mark will be the final mark of  aboratory (FML).

The student will also do a tutored work and prepare a written report to be handed in just before the exam.

3. Final mark of the subject

In order to pass the subject, students will be required to pass the three parts:

theory: FMT>=5 with PT1>=5 and PT2>=5

and laboratory: FML>=5

and tutored work: TWM>=5

In this case the final mark (FM) will be:

FM = 0.5·FMT + 0.3·FML + 0.15·TWM

However, when the students do not pass all parts, the final mark will be:

FM = min( { 4.9; 0.5·FMT + 0.3·FML + 0.15·TWM } )

A final mark higher than five points (FM>=5) should be achieved in order to pass the

4. Extraordinary opportunity and End-of-program exam

The assessment policy in these calls will follow the scheme described in the single assessment: a theory exam, a practical exam and a tutored work. Dates will be specified in the academic calendar. In order to attend the practical exam and to assign the tutored work, the students have to contact to the lecturer according to an established procedure. The procedure will be published in advance.

The marks obtained during the current academic year in the first opportunity are kept in the second one for those parts in

which the student has not attended. Moreover, in the second opportunity, the students can not take an exam or a tutored work task if they have got a pass previously in the first opportunity.

The final mark will be calculated as it has described in section 3.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000