Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Network Security
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practice Proof of group in which the teacher will value laboratory practises, reviewing his operation with the members of the group.
This proof will be made in the last or previous to last week of the four-month period as it will be published in Moovi platform in the firsts weeks of the four-month period.
All the members of the group have to be present at the moment of the presentation.
The teacher will do an authorship interview of which the level of participation of each student will be deduced and of which, together with the correct operation, the individual mark of each student will be determined.
25 B6
Essay Assessment of the tutored project or work realised by the group (type C). The group will do a demonstration to the teacher of the project or work done and results obtained.
This proof will be made in the last or previous to last week of the four-month period as it will be published in Moovi platform in the firsts weeks of the four-month period.
All the members of the group have to be presents in the moment of the presentation.
The teacher will do an authorship interview of which the level of participation of each student in the proyect will be deduced and of which, together with the correct operation, the individual mark of each student will be determined.

25 B4
Essay questions exam Final exam of the course. This exam will consist of a group of exercises/questions on the contents given in the course.

25 B3
Essay questions exam Partial exam of the course, neccesary for students that follow continuos evaluation.
This exam will consist of a group of exercises/questions on the contents given until aproximately the middle of the theoretic course.
25 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

By default, it will be assumed that the students opt for continuous assessment (CA). If a student wishes to opt for global assessment (GA), they must inform the teaching staff before the end of week 5 of the semester. The communication must be made via email to the teaching staff. 


Continuous Assessment. The continuous assessment (CA) will be formed by:

  1. Laboratory Assignment B, representing 25% of the grade. This assignment must be submitted via Moovi. The specific submission date will be posted on Moovi in the first weeks of the semester, following a coordination meeting with the other subjects.
  2. Project C, representing 25% of the grade. This project must be submitted via Moovi. The specific submission deadline will be posted on Moovi in the first weeks of the semester, following a coordination meeting with the other subjects. 

  3. Midterm exam covering the content taught up to approximately the middle of the semester, representing 50% of the total theory grade. This exam will be averaged with the final exam if the student scores a minimum of 4 out of 10 points. If the student scores below this, they will need to be reassessed on this part in the final exam.

  4. The scheduling of the different interim assessment tests will be approved by a Degree Academic Committee (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the semester.

  5. Final theoretical exam, on the date agreed upon in the School Board meeting. There will be two cases:
  • Students who have passed the minimum grade on the midterm exam. This exam will cover topics taught from approximately the middle of the semester to the end. It will account for 25% of the total grade. To pass the course, students must achieve a minimum score of 4 out of 10 on this exam.
  • Students who have not achieved the minimum grade on the midterm exam. This exam will cover all topics covered in the theoretical course. It will account for 50% of the total grade. To pass the course, students must achieve a minimum score of 4 out of 10 on this exam, with at least 4 points in each of the two parts of the exam.

Global Assessment.  The global  assessment (GA) will be formed by:

  1. A final theoretical exam worth 75% of the grade, consisting of two parts, will be held on the same day and time as the CA exam.
  2. Lab practices B, which will account for the remaining 25%, must be submitted via Moovi, with the deadline on the same day as the CA exam.
  3. To pass the course, students must achieve a minimum of 4.5 points out of 10 in each of the two parts of the theoretical exam. They must also earn at least 1 point out of 2.5 in lab practices B.

The final exam will be the same for all students, both those opting for continuous assessment and those opting for global assessment.


For students who have opted for continuous assessment during the semester, the total grade will be determined as follows:

  1. 50% from the theoretical part, 25% from lab practices B, and 25% from project C.

  2. From the regular opportunity, the grades of the partial and final theoretical exams (provided they have met the minimum grade), lab practice B (provided the minimum has been met), and project C will be retained.
  3. All students who have not achieved the minimum theoretical grade in either part of the regular opportunity must take the theoretical exam in this retake. However, they only need to take the part or parts where they did not meet the minimum. It is mandatory to score a minimum of 4 out of 10 in any part taken to pass the course.
  4. Students who did not submit lab practice B in the regular opportunity or did not achieve the minimum grade in this part must complete and submit the same lab practice as in the regular opportunity. The deadline for submission will be the same as the day and time of the theoretical exam. It is mandatory to score a minimum of 1 point out of 2.5 in this part to pass the course.
  5. Students who did not submit project C in the regular opportunity must take a written test on the same day as the theoretical exam, which will contribute 25% to the total grade. Therefore, there will be no actual submission of project C.
For students who have chosen global assessment in the regular opportunity, there will be a final exam worth 75%, along with lab work B representing 25%. The grade from the theoretical exam in the regular opportunity (provided it meets the minimum of 4.5 points) and lab work B (provided it meets the minimum of 1 out of 2.5 points) will be retained.
    • An student will be marked as "Not Present" if they have not followed continuous assessment and have not attended the final theoretical exam. Similarly, if a student is on CA and does not attend any exam (A, B, and C), they will be considered "Not Present."
    • Grades obtained in lab practice B and project C will only be valid during the academic year in which they are completed.
    • If the total grade is equal to or greater than 5 but the minimum grade has not been reached in any part, the final grade will be 4.9 points (fail). 
    • The evaluation in the end-of-degree session will consist of:
      • Theoretical exam (50%): Individual exam covering the course content, representing 50% of the total grade. Students must achieve a minimum score of 4 points (in each of the two parts of the exam) out of 10 to pass the course.

      • Lab work B (25%): Represents 25% of the grade, with a minimum requirement of 1 point out of 2.5.

      • Project C (25%): Represents 25% of the grade.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000