Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Programming I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practice The student will take 2 midterm laboratory tests consisting in the development of small programs on the computer.

Each of these tests will assess the student's progress on a portion of the laboratory practical exercises.

The final laboratory test will assess the student's progress on the practical exercises as a whole.
50 B4
Objective questions exam The student will take 1 midterm theoretical test that may consist of:
- short answer questions
- multiple choice questions

This exam will assess individually the student's mastery of the concepts introduced in the lecture sessions.

The final theoretical exam will also contain this type of questions.
40 B4
Problem and/or exercise solving The theoretical exams will have a part consisting of problem and/or exercise solving 10 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

Following the guidelines specific to the degree program, each student will have 2 opportunities (the ordinary and extraordinary calls) to pass the course.

Furthermore, in the ordinary call, there will be 2 evaluation procedures (continuous and global).


Throughout the semester, several intermediate assessment tests will be given. Specifically, there will be two Midterm Laboratory Tests (PL1 and PL3) and one Midterm Theoretical Test (PT2). The schedule of the different intermediate assessment tests will be approved by the Academic Degree Committee (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the semester.

During the regular examination period of the School, the Final Theoretical Test (ETF) and the Final Laboratory Test (EFL) will be given.

During the extraordinary examination period of the School, the Extraordinary Theoretical Test (ETX) and the Extraordinary Laboratory Test (EXL) will be given.

Each theoretical test may include short-answer and/or multiple-choice questions, as well as problem-solving and/or exercise resolution questions. It assesses students' knowledge of the content covered in the lectures.

All the practical exercises are mandatory. Prior to each laboratory test, it will be necessary to have uploaded to Moovi all the corresponding assignments for that test. Each laboratory test consists of making modifications to the submitted practical exercises. It evaluates those submitted practical exercises.



Each student taking this course may choose between the 2 evaluation procedures: continuous assessment and global assessment.

Taking the second midterm test (PT2) will be interpreted as the decision to choose continuous assessment. No taking it will be interpreted as the decision to choose global assessment.



The condition for passing the course using the continuous assessment procedure is obtaining a final grade (NFC) equal to or higher than 5.

The final grade for continuous assessment will be calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of the midterm and final test grades. It will be given by the following expression:

NFC = 0.6 NPP + 0.2 ETF + 0.2 EFL


    NPP is the Midterm Test Grade, calculated as the weighted arithmetic mean of all midterm tests, according to the following expression:

NPP = (1PL1 + 3PT2 + 2*PL3) / 6

    ETF is the grade obtained on the Final Theoretical Test.

    EFL is the grade obtained on the Final Laboratory Test.

A minimum grade of 2.5 points will be required in the three components of this grade (NPP, ETF, and EFL). If the student fails to reach this minimum in any of them, the final grade for continuous assessment will be at most 4.0 (Fail).

Continuous assessment consists of the tests detailed in this guide, which are not recoverable. In other words, if a student cannot complete them within the specified timeframe, the teaching staff is not obliged to repeat them.

Before each test, the date and procedure for reviewing the grades will be indicated. Students will have the option to know the grade of each test and review the correction within approximately 2 weeks.



The condition for passing the course using the global assessment procedure is obtaining a final grade (NFG) equal to or higher than 5.

This method will consist of the same final tests as the continuous assessment, although with different weights. The final grade for global assessment will be given by the following expression:

NFG = (ETF + EFL) / 2

A minimum grade of 2.5 points will be required in the two components of this grade (ETF and EFL). If the student fails to reach this minimum in any of them, the final grade for global assessment will be at most 4.0 (Fail).


Each student taking the final tests for the course will have both grades calculated: the final grade for continuous assessment (NFC) and the final grade for global assessment (NFG). The higher of the two grades will be awarded as the final grade in the ordinary call.


The grade will be "No-show" if the student does not attend any test after the first Midterm Test (PL1).



Each student who does not pass the course in the ordinary call will have a second opportunity.

In the extraordinary call, the condition for passing the course is obtaining a final grade (NFX) equal to or higher than 5.

The final grade in the extraordinary call will be given by the following expression:

NFX = (NTX + NXL) / 2


    NTX is the Extraordinary Theoretical Grade: if the student takes the Extraordinary Theoretical Test, NTX will be the grade obtained in that test:


If not, NTX will be the theoretical grade obtained in the ordinary call:

NTX = 0.6 PT2 + 0.4 ETF

    NXL is the Extraordinary Laboratory Grade: if the student takes the extraordinary Laboratory Test, NXL will be the grade obtained in that test:


If not, NXL will be the laboratory grade obtained in the ordinary call:

NXL = 0.2 PL1 + 0.4 PL2 + 0.4 EFL

A minimum grade of 2.5 points will be required in the two components of this grade (NTX and NXL). If the student fails to reach this minimum in any of them, the final grade in the extraordinary call will be at most 4.0 (Fail).



Following the guidelines specific to the degree program, students who have 3 or fewer courses remaining to graduate will have end-of-program test call in those courses.

In the end-of-program test call, the condition for passing the course is obtaining a final grade (NFX) equal to or higher than 5.

In this call, a test with short-answer and/or multiple-choice questions, as well as problem-solving and/or exercise resolution questions, will be conducted (End-of-program Theoretical Test, ETZ), and a laboratory test evaluating the lab work (End-of-program Laboratory Test, ELZ). The final grade in the end-of-program test call will be given by the following expression:

NFZ = (ETZ + ELZ) / 2

A minimum grade of 2.5 points will be required in the two components of this grade (ETZ and ELZ). If the student fails to reach this minimum in any of them, the final grade in the end-of-program test call will be at most 4.0 (Fail).


The grade obtained in any of the assessable tasks will be valid only for the academic year in which they are performed, meaning that no grade is carried over from one year to the next.


If plagiarism is detected on any of the assignments/tests, the grade will be Fail (0), and the teaching staff will report the incident to the School's administration for appropriate action to be taken.


The use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is permitted in the completion of academic activities for this subject. Its use must be ethical, critical, and responsible. If GAI is used, any results it provides should be critically evaluated, and any generated citations or references must be carefully verified. Additionally, it is recommended to disclose the tools used.


Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000