Guia docente 2023_24
Facultad de Dirección y Gestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Final Year Dissertation
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Presentation In order to defend the TFG it is necessary to have passed all the subjects of the Degree (except the TFG subject). The Academic Court (Academic evaluation) will evaluate 100% of the TFG and its defense. The TFG must be original and plagiarism is prohibited. It must be duly cited, and have respect for the intellectual property of others authors. The Academic Court (Academic evaluation) can use platforms and programs to verify this, such as an anti-plagiarism program. In the case of committing a lack of originality and/or plagiarism, the Academic Court may assign a grade of 0 (suspense), they will have the duty to communicate it to the competent bodies of the University so, where appropriate, they adopt the sanctioning measures they deem necessary. The TFG must be respectful of the rights established in the current Spanish Constitution, and it is necessary to make an inclusive use of the language (gender perspective and respect for sexual diversity). 100 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

General structure. It is recommended that the TFG collect the following elements: Cover. Index of contents. Index of tables and graphs (if it were the case). General introduction (objectives, methodology, hypotheses, etc.) Content or body of work (material development). Conclusions. Bibliography and / or sources of information. Annexes. Idiom: the originals may be presented in Galician, Spanish, English or Portuguese. There are grants for research in the Galician language. Format: The student will deliver the TFG on the computer platform, conveniently formatted and labeled (title, author, teacher, course, Degree) and PDF version to archive. In addition, the request generated by its virtual secretary, after the favorable report that the teacher-tutoring also has to make through the virtual secretary, in the term established. The formal aspects of the text will respond, preferably, to the following criteria. In the case of using another alternative model, this must be duly justified following the standards recognized by the reference organizations in the documentary field: a) Content and body of the project: it can be organized and presented in a way that allows a complete idea or vision, systematic and clear of the subject or topic. Subdivisions (parts, chapters, sections, sections, etc.) may be used, suitably titled or marked, numerically or alphabetically; b) Typography and line spacing: Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 with a space and a half (recommended). c) Footnotes: they will be oriented to expand the information contained in the body of the text and will be inserted in the text and must appear at the end of each page, numbered in a correlative way (1, 2, 3 ...) for the set of the chapter, topic or project, with line spacing 1 and size 9 respecting (with the seme) the previous typeface. d) Quotations: whenever the external text is literally transcribed, it must appear between the blades. The student may choose to quote in the footnote or in the text following a model of the use in the field of Social and Legal Sciences (APA, Harvard, etc.), with the condition of maintaining uniformity throughout the entire project/work (TFG). Remember the duty to cite all material used to avoid incurring plagiarism. Approximately the maximum length of the entire text will be about 6,000 words. Assessment criteria of the TFG, Degree in Public Management and Administration: (1) Quality and content of the work/project (TFG) (50%) (a) Content: methodology, theoretical framework, literature review (20%) (b) Structure, internal coherence, format and clarity (15%) (c) Standard appointment format and respect for intellectual property (10%) (d) Inclusive use of language (gender perspective and respect for sexual diversity) (5%) (2) Quality of public defense (20%) (a) Reference to the central aspects of the work (10%) (b) Correct use of the material used (audiovisuals, etc.) (5%) (c) Clarity and structure of the presentation (5%) (3) Quality of the answers in the round of questions (20%) (a) Satisfactory clarification of the doubts presented (10%) (b) Capacity for debate, critical reasoning and defense (10%) (4) Time management (10%) (a) The time allocated for defense is respected (5%) (b) Excessive time is not spent in replying to the academic court (5%) Students who share work/project/TFG (TFG made by two students): they will be free to organize their joint presentation for a maximum of 20 minutes. Except in exceptional situations, the assessment of "Quality and content of work" (50%); "Reference to the central aspects of work" (10%); and the time allocated for defense is respected (5%); it will be the same for both. After the presentation, each member of the academic court will divide their comments into two series addressed to both students, respectively, and in such a way that each student / will answer it only in the series that corresponds to them, without the possibility of intervening in the other. The notes will be published as soon as the Evaluation of the Academic Court decide a publish this information in the corresponding official board of the Faculty. TFG rating review period: 3 business days from the publication of the rating. This request must indicate the specific aspects of the TFG that support the discrepancy with the rating. The criteria established in this guide are the same for all the students in this degree (face-to-face and online students).

The presentation of the Final Degree Project will always be public, and in accordance with article 8 of the Regulations for the elaboration of the TFG of the Faculty of Public Administration and Management in its modification of 7/21/23, it may be presented virtually or in person and using the modality of collegiate court or single-person court. For these procedural issues, what is expressed in the Regulations for the Preparation of Final Degree Projects of the Faculty of Public Administration and Management in its consolidated version and approved by the Faculty Board on 7/21/23 will be followed at all times.

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