Educational guide 2021_22
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Physics: Physics 1
Topic Sub-topic
1.- UNITS, PHYSICAL AMOUNTS AND VECTORS 1.1.- The nature of Physics.
1.2.- Consistency and conversions of units.
1.3.- Uncertainty and significant figures.
1.4.- Estimates and orders of magnitude.
1.5.- Vectors and sum of vectors.
1.6.- Vector components.
1.7.- Unitary vectors.
1.8.- Vector products.
1.9.- Sliding Vectors
2.- CINEMATIC OF THE POINT 2.1.- Vectors of position, speed and acceleration. Half and instantaneous values
2.2.- Vectors angular speed and angular acceleration. Half and instantaneous values.
2.3.- Relation between linear cinematic magnitudes and angular
2.4.- Intrinsic components.
2.5.- Study of simple movements: *mov. Rectilinear, *mov. Circulate, shot *oblicuo
2.6.- Expressions of cinematic magnitudes in coordinates *cartesianas and polar
3.- LAWS OF THE MOVEMENT OF NEWTON 3.1.- Strength and interactions.
3.2.- First law of Newton. Systems of inertial and non inertial references
3.3.- Second law of Newton.
3.4.- Mass and weight.
3.5.- Third law of Newton.
3.6.- Quantity of movement. Mechanical impulse. Angular moment.
3.7.- Strengths of contact: active, of *ligadura.
4.- WORK AND KINETIC ENERGY 4.1.- Work realized by a Force. Power.
4.2.- Kinetic Energy.
4.3.- Conservative Forces
4.4.- Elastic potential energy.
4.5.- Potential energy in the gravitatory field.
4.6.- Mechanical energy.
4.7.- Strength and potential energy.
4.8.- Principle of conservation of the mechanical energy.
5.- KINEMATICS OF SYSTEM OF POINTS 5.1.- Points system.
5.2.- Rigid solid.
5.3.- Translation movement.
5.4.- Movement of rotation around a fixed axis.
5.5.- General movement.
5.6.- Instant center of rotation.
5.7.- Rolling motion.
5.8.- Relative movement.
6.- DYNAMICS OF THE SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES 6.1.- Systems of particles. Inner and exterior strengths.
6.2.- Center of masses of the system. Movement of the c.o.m.
6.3.- Equations of the movement of a system of particles.
6.4.- Linear moment. Theorem Of conservation.
6.5.- Angular moment of a system of particles. Theorem Of conservation.
6.6.- Work and power.
6.7.- Potential energy and kinetics of a system of particles.
6.8.- Theorem Of the energy of a system of particles.
6.9.- Crashes.
7.- DYNAMICS OF THE RIGID SOLID 7.1.- Rotation of a rigid solid around a fixed axis.
7.2.- Moments and products of inertia.
7.3.- Calculation of moments of inertia.
7.4.- Steiner's theorem.
7.5.- Moment of a force and pair of forces.
7.6.- Equations of the general movement of the rigid solid.
7.7.- Kinetic energy in the general movement of the rigid solid.
7.8.-Work in the general movement of the rigid solid.
7.9.- Angular moment of a rigid solid. Conservation theorem.
8.- STATIC 8.1.- Balance of rigid solids.
8.2.- Center of gravity.
8.3.- Stability.
8.4.- Degrees of freedom and ligatures
9.- PERIODIC MOVEMENT 9.1.- Description of the oscillation.
9.2.- Simple harmonic movement.
9.3.- Energy in the simple harmonic movement.
9.4.- Applications of simple harmonic movement.
9.5.- The simple pendulum.
9.6.- The physical pendulum.
9.7.- Damped oscillations.
9.8.- Forced oscillations and resonance.
10.- FLUID MECHANICS 10.1.- Density.
10.2.- Pressure in a fluid.
10.3.- Fundamental principles of Fluidostática.
10.4.- Continuity equation.
10.5.- Bernoulli equation.
11.- MECHANICAL WAVES 11.1.- Types of mechanical waves.
11.2.- Periodic waves.
11.3.- Mathematical description of a wave.
11.4.- Speed of a transverse wave.
11.5.- Energy of the wave movement.
11.6.- Wave interference, boundary conditions and superposition.
11.7.- Stationary waves on a string.
11.8.- Normal modes of a rope.

LABORATORY 1.- Theory of Measurements, Errors, Graphs and Adjustments. Examples
2.- Reaction Time.
3.- Determination of the density of a body.
4.- Relative Movement.
5.- Instantaneous speed.
6.- Study of the Simple Pendulum.
7.- Experiences with a helical spring.
8.- Damped and forced oscillations.
9.- Moments of inertia. Determination of the radius of rotation of a body.
10.- Stationary waves.
LABORATORY NO STRUCTURED 1. Sessions with activities no structured (open practice) that range the theoretical contents of the practices enumerated up. The groups of students have to resolve a practical problem proposed by the professor, selecting the theoretical frame and experimental tools to obtain the solution; for this, dispondrán of basic information and guide of the professor
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