Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Organic chemistry II
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing Teachers will present, in a structured manner, the general aspects of the subject, paying special attention to those of greater relevance and of greater difficulty for the students. Teachers will provide, through the virtual classroom, the material necessary for the students' personal work. The students must work in advance the submitted material and consult the recommended literature to complete the information.
Problem solving In this activity, that will take place 1 hour per week, a series of exercises and problems previously elaborated and proposed by the teacher will be resolved. The teacher will solve the doubts and will comment the specific aspects that were not explained in lectures. A selection of the exercises will be delivered regularly to the teacher for evaluation.
Laboratory practical A series of experiments of laboratory will be carried out in face-to-face sessions 3,5 h long. Through the virtual classroom, the students will have all the necessary material for the previous preparation of the experiments. During the laboratory sessions, the students will elaborate a laboratory notebook in which they will annotate all observations related to the experiment. After the realisation of the practice, the students will have to complete the work indicated in each case.
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