Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Organic chemistry I
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Flipped Learning Some learning activities will take place out of the classroom. Afterwards, in the classroom, with the presence of the teacher, other processes of knowledge acquisition and practice will be facilitated. Prior to the class sessions, a selection of materials (audiovisual, written etc.) will be available to the students, through the virtual classroom. This material must be employed for the preparation of the class session. Additionally, the students will be expected to carry out some simple tasks applying the concepts reviewed in the previously mentioned material. Detailed information and delivery terms for the tasks will be communicated by the teaching staff in advance. In the class session, different activities will be carried out in order to review, clarify and apply the studied concepts. Some of these activities will be handed for assessment.
Problem solving Problem solving class sessions will be devoted to solving practical exercises applying the concepts developed in the flipped learning class sessions. The students will carry out some activities, individually or in groups, that will be handed for assessment.
Laboratory practical Laboratory practical work will be directed to ensure that students are capable of handling chemicals safely, evaluating any specific risks associated with their use and with the use of laboratory procedures, including their environmental repercussions. Laboratory experiments will be carried out, individually, in 3,5 h class sessions. The students will find, in advance, in the virtual classroom, the material needed for the preparation of the experiments. Work with this material could include performing and delivering some tasks, prior to the class session. During the experiments, students will elaborate a laboratory notebook recording all observations pertinent to the experiment. After completion of the experiment, students will complete the work that will be indicated at the time.
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