Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Química
Grao en Química
  Physical chemistry I: Chemical thermodynamics
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Lecturing In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Seminars In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Laboratory practical In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Tests Description
Problem and/or exercise solving In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Essay questions exam In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Report of practices, practicum and external practices In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Laboratory practice In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Self-assessment In tutorial sessions, the teacher may solve in an individual and more personal way those doubts of the students that can arise along the course in any one of its parts (theory lessons, seminars, laboratory practice and the several types of autonomous activities to realise).
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000