Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
Topic Sub-topic
INTRODUCTION Aquaculture objectives. Current situation and prospects in the world and Spain. History. Types of aquaculture.
WATER QUALITY AND ITS CONTROL Seawater as culture medium. Undergoes changes in water cultivation. Biological filtration. Mechanical filtration. Physical absorption. Disinfection. Decantation. Aeration. Water quality criteria for aquaculture.
FACILITIES Water intake. Storage tanks and slop. Culture tank design. Designs for culture ponds. Floating rafts. Rafts. auxiliary Equipment
FOOD AND NUTRITION Introduction. Food intake (larval, juvenile and adults). Nutritional requirements (molluscs, crustaceans, fish). types food used in aquaculture. Formulation of diets
SPECIES SELECTION CRITERIA Introduction. Commercial criteria (consumption and market). Biological criteria (reproductive characteristics, production and health). Freshwater species cultured. Cultured marine species. species potentially cultivable
PHYTOPLANKTON CULTURE Introduction. Optimum properties to the choice a culturable phytoplankton species. Physical requirements. Nutritional requirements. Culture media. Growth characteristics in culture. Culture phytoplankton methods
ZOOPLANCTON CULTURE Introduction. Artemia culture: general characteristics, life cycle, culture methodology, employment in aquaculture. Rotifer culture: general characteristics, life cycle, culture methodology, employment in aquaculture. Other planktonic crustaceans used in aquaculture:
copepods, cladocerans.
MOLLUSKS FARMING Culture of Ostrea edulis: collection and transportation of broodstock, preparation and production of larvae, larval rearing, collection natural seeds, cultivation of post-larvae, pre-fattening, fattening. cultivation clams: gathering and transportation of players, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, natural seed collection, growing post-larvae, pre-fattening, fattening.
Cultivation of Pecten maximus: obtaining and transporting broodstock, Conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, natural seed collection, growing post-larvae, pre-fattening, fattening.
Mussel farming: natural seed collection, fattening on rafts. Treatment plants.
Potential species: octopus culture: obtaining and transporting players and conditioning. Embryo culture, larval rearing, juvenile collection and fattening.
CRUSTACEAN FARMING Shrimp farming: gathering and transportation of spawners, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, cultivation of post-larvae, pre-fattening, fattening. Lobster culture: obtaining and transporting players, conditioning, cultivation embryonic, larval rearing, cultivation of post-larvae, pre-fattening, fattening. Caetarias
FLAT FISH FARMING Turbot culture: obtaining and transporting reproductive individuals, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, nursery, pre-fattening, fattening.
Cultivation of sole: obtaining and transporting reproductive individuals, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, weaning pre-fattening, fattening.
GILTHHEAD SEABREAM FARMING Collection and transportation of spawners, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, weaning pre-fattening, fattening
EUROPEAN SEABASS FARMING Collection and transportation of reproductive individuals, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, weaning pre-fattening, fattening.
SALMON FARMING Collection and transportation of spawners, conditioning and obtaining gametes, embryo culture, larval rearing, weaning pre-fattening, fattening.
DISEASES OF CULTIVATED SPECIES Mortality. Prevention, isolation, environmental manipulation and treatment. Examination of the animals. Viral diseases. Bacterial diseases. Fungal Infections. Protozoan diseases. Diseases caused by metazoans.
MACROALGAE FARMING Introduction of seaweed farming, advantages and features. Cultivated species. Methodology.
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