Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Geological oceanography I
Topic Sub-topic
T0. Presentation 0.1 Aims
0.2 Activities
0.3 Program
0.4 System of qualification
T1. Introduction 1.1 History and development of Marine Geology
1.2 Importance of Marine Geology
T2. General protocol for geological research on the coast and nearshore
2.1 Nature of Research and project design
2.2 General protocol for design and execution of a project
2.3 Planning and definition of methodological strategies
2.4 Data evaluation, interpretation and publication
T3. Coastal Morphodynamics 3.1 Basic concepts
3.2 Morphodynamics of coastal systems
3.3 Transport assessment
T4 Methods of sampling and subsampling 4.1 Grabbers
4.2 Corers
4.3 Fluids and gases
4.4 Samples curation
T5. Seismo-acoustic methods 5.1 Basic Principles
5.2 Echosounders
5.3 Side Scan Sonar
5.4 Seismic Methods (HR)
5.5 Processing
T6. Electrical logging: physical properties (seminars) 6.1 Gamma density and natural gamma
6.2 Resistivity and poropermeability
6.3 Susceptibility and other magnetic properties
6.4 Color and imaging
6.5 X-Rays
6.6 Corescanning: GEOTEK and 2G
T7 Geochemical Methods (seminars) 7.1 Elemental analyses
7.1.1 LECO
7.1.2 Spectrometry
7.1.3 XRF

7.2 Mineralogical Analyses
7.2.1 XRD
7.2.2 SEM-EDAX

7.3 Corescanning: ITRAX and AVAATECH
T8 Dating Techniques 8.1 Radiometry
8.1.1 14C
8.1.2 210Pb
8.1.3 137Cs

8.2 Other Methods
8.2.1 d18O
8.2.2 Magnetic
8.2.3 Thermoluminescence
PA1 Survey Planning How to plan a cruise (practical case)
PA1.1 Objective definition
PA1.2 Selection of methodologies
PA1.3 Definition of tasks and scope
PA1.4 Time Planning
PA1.5 Economic assessment and budgets
PA1.6 Reports
PA2 RV Mytilus Mini Cruise PA2.1 Administrative requirements and basic security norms in oceanographic cruises
PA2.2 Onboard life
PA2.3 Sediment sampling techniques and operations
PA2.4 Geophysical surveying techniques and operations
PA2.5 Data management and archives
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