Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Biological oceanography I
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the marine habitat 1.1. Types of coastal habitats
1.2. Adecuacy of the coastal ecosystems to the typology of habitats of interest
1.3. Conservation of the coastal ecosystems
1.4 Destruction of the coastal habitats
2. Estuaries 2.1. Introduction
2.2. Salinity and substrate
2.3. Vegetation and macrofauna
2.4. The communities of Petersen
2.5. The alimentary chain
3. Rocks 3.1. General appearances
3.2 Adaptations to the physical stress: temperature, waves, burial, ..
3.3. Coasts warmed up, exposed and moderately exposed.
3.4. Subtidal rocks
3.5. Control factors
3.6. The food chain
4. Beaches 4.1. Introduction
4.2. Types of Beaches
4.3. Zonation
4.4. Flora and fauna
5. Coastal lagoons 5.1. General characteristics
5.2. Lagoon organisms
5.3. Ecology of the coastal lagoons
5.4. Primary and secondary production
6. Dune systems 6.1. General characteristics
6.2. Characteristics of ecological importance
6.3. Dune vegetation
6.4. Fauna
6.5. Food chains
7. Mangroves 7.1. Distribution and physical conditions
7.2. Zonation
7.3. Ecological importance
8. Coral reefs 8.1. The paper of the zooxanthellae
8.2. Factors that limit the growth of the reefs
8.3. Geographic distribution and types of coral reefs
8.4. Productivity of the reef
8.5. Biological interactions and mutualism
9. Vertical structure in open ocean and coastal waters: biology of the superficial ocean. 9.1 Zonation of the oceanic region
9.2. Phytoplankton and zooplancton
9.3. Food webs
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