Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Chemical oceanography II
Topic Sub-topic
Analytical methodology (I): previous operations Sampling. Preparation of the sample.

Measurement and analytical chemistry references. Analytical measurment techniques.
Analytical methodology (II): measurement techniques. Gravimetric and volumetric methods. Instrumental techniques of analysis.
Analytical methodology (III): measure and chemical references-analytical. Accuracy and precision. Limits of confidence. Quality assurance in the analytical measurement.
Determination of salinity in seawater other major compounds Determination of the salinity: chlorinity and chlorosity. Determination of major anions and cations.
Alcalinity of seawater Buffering capacity and alcalinity. Determination of the total alcalinity in seawater.
Dissolved oxygen Determination of dissolved oxygen in seawater. Relation between dissolved oxygen and other physico-chemical parameters.
Nutrients: species of N, P, Si Determination of nitrates, nitrites and ammonium in the half marine. Methods of determination of phosphates: relation of the concentrations N/P. Determination of the concentration of silicate.
Organic matter in the oceans Determination of humic substances and photosynthetic pigments.
Trace metals Total determination of trace elements in the marine environment.
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