Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Principles of marine microbiology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam MASTER CLASS. The contents exposed in the classroom will be evaluated with five partial tests of eliminatory character, with the same relative weight in the final mark of the student. 10% of the student's final mark will come from development questions included in these tests. 10 A2
Objective questions exam MASTER CLASS. 35% of the student's final mark will come from the objective questions that are part of the five partial tests mentioned above. 35 A2
Problem and/or exercise solving MASTER CLASS. 10% of the student's final marks will come from the resolution of exercises and problems included in one of these partial tests.
10 A2
Objective questions exam LABORATORY PRACTICAL. The contents worked on in practical classes will be evaluated by means of a test of objective questions, which will take place on the last day of the week. 33
Objective questions exam SEMINAR I. Collaborative Learning. The contents worked on will be evaluated in the last part of the seminar by means of a single test of objective questions. 6 A2
Essay SEMINAR II. The contents worked on will be evaluated through group work, to be carried out during the seminar. 6 A3
Other comments on the Evaluation
- In order to pass the course, the students will have to :

1) Attend Seminars and Laboratory Practice. One time only attendance is allowed, justifiy an abscense.
2) Pass, with at least 5 points out of 10, each of the five partial tests (four of Theory and one of Practice) taken during the semester. If this is not the case, only the failed partial tests can be recovered in the exam final (first and/or second call), keeping the grades of those passed during the semester. If the minimum mark is not reached in any of the partial exams, the calificación in certificate will always be the average mark of the failed exams.

- Any student has the right to take the full course only in the exam final. Students who pass the six partial tests of the semester may expressly waive the calificación obtained, if they wish to take the final exam of the complete subject, in order to improve their grade.
- Those students who have failed any of the partial tests of the semester and do not take the final exam (June and/or July) will be considered as "Not Submitted". Likewise, students who, having waived their grades during the semester, do not take the final exam (June and/or July) to improve their grades will be listed as calificados with No Submission.
- In the event of not passing the subject in the second call (July), the student will have to take the failed part (practice or FULL theory) in the following oficial calls.

 “Students are strongly requested to fulfil a honest and responsible behaviour. It is considered completely unacceptable any alteration or fraud (i.e., copy or plagiarism) contributing to modify the level of knowledge and abilities acquired in exams, evaluations, reports or any kind of teacher’s proposed work. Fraudulent behaviour may cause failing the course for a whole academic year. An internal dossier of these activities will be built and, when reoffending, the university rectorate will be asked to open a disciplinary record”
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000