Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Marine Ecology
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing Lectures will be used to develop the fundamental contents of the matter
Seminars They use the seminars to work of form more personalised some contents of more complex assimilation, that require the utilisation of computer programs and to supply capacities of analysis of data that will be used by the students in the experimental work

The contents of these seminars will be:

Seminar 1: experimental and technical Design of sampling. Put in common of the approach of the experimental work.
Seminar 2: Analysis of data I: analysis of variance in Ecology. Examples.
Seminar 3: Analysis of data II. Practical application of the analysis of variance.
Seminar 4: Analysis of data III. Analysis *multivariante in Ecology: analysis of *similaridad, *MDS. Practical case. Presentation of scientific results.
Laboratory practical The experimental work consists in the design, taking of samples, experimentation, processed of samples, analysis of data, preparation and discussion of results and, finally, presentation of the same by part of the students. They will develop , therefore, all the phases of an investigation.

The experimental work will make of form in groups of 5 people that will work of autonomous form, *tutelados by the *profesorado. The results of the work will present in format poster. The phase of laboratory of the experimental work only will make between 1 March and on 15 April and will have approximate length of a week.

The sessions of seminars will tackle the necessary practical contents for the preparation of the work. The students of each experimental group will have to his disposal the laboratory of practices of Ecology in the dates that signal .

With the end to guarantee the suitable organisation and development of the experimental work, urges to respect of strict form the following recommendations:

1. All the members of each group of experimental work have to belong to the same group of seminars.
2. The work of laboratory has to be made by all the members of the group, by what his constitution has to take into account the schedules of his members.
3. In the *tutorías destined to make the design of the experiment as well as in the centred in the analysis and interpretation of results has to assist the whole of the members of the group.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000