Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Marine botany
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to Botany 1.1. Definition of Botany
1.2. Groups of plants
1.3. Relationship with the degree
2. Plant reproduction 2.1. Asexual reproduction
2.2. Sexual reproduction
3. Procariotic algae 3.1. Main featuress of Cyanophyta
3.2. Main features of Prochlorophyta
4. Introduction to the eukaryotic algae 4.1. Origin of the main lines of photosynthetic organisms
4.2. Phylum Gaucophyta
4.3. Phylum Euglenophyta
5. Unicellular phyla; main features 5.1. Phylum Cryptophyta
5.2. Phylum Haptophyta
5.3. Phylum Pyrrophyta
6. Phylum Ochrophyta (Heterokontophyta) I Main features
7. Phylum Ochrophyta (Heterokontophyta) II 7.1. Class Xantophyceae
7.2. Class Bacillariophyceae
8. Phylum Ochrophyta (Heterokontophyta) III 8.1. Class Phaeophyceae. Main features
9. Phylum Ochrophyta (Heterokontophyta) III 9.1. Main features of Bangiophyceae
9.2. Main features of Floridophyceae
10. Phylum Chlorophyta I 10.1. Main features of Prasinophyceae
10.2. Main features of Chlorophyceae
10.3. Main features of Bryopsidophyceae
10.4. Main features of Ulvophyceae
10.5. Main features of Zygnematophyceae
11. Ecology and ethnobotany of algae 11.1. Introduction to the study of the marine algae communities
11.2. Uses of the algae
12. Introduction to the flowering plants 12.1. Main features and life cycle
12.2. Adaptations to the coastal environment
13. Coastal vegetation 13.1. Introduction
14. Fungi and lichens 14.1. Main features
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