Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Mathematics: Mathematics II
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT The *estudiantes owe to resolve any exercises with the plan *informático used in the sessions of laboratory. 5 A5
Problem and/or exercise solving During it study will realize partial proofs with questions type test and/or of short answer. 25 C1
Essay questions exam When finalizing the course *realizaráse a final proof with questions that will be able to be type test, of short answer and/or problems. It Will be requirement *imprescincible surpass in a 30% the qualification of this proof to approve the subject. 45 A5
Problem and/or exercise solving Exhibition or delivery in the classroom in the that the *estudantado owes to solve a series of low problems the conditions and the time established pole professor. 25 A5
Other comments on the Evaluation

  • The date, time and location of the assessment tests will be published on the official website of the Faculty of Marine Sciences:

  • A partial test may be carried out, which may release material from the final test.

  • To pass the subject, the following requirements will be essential:

  • - Exceed 30% of the final test grade.

  • -Get 50% of the grade in the sum of the grades for all sections.

  • Any student who, during the course, participates in evaluation tests of two or more subjects of the program will not be able, in any case, to obtain the grade of NOT PRESENTED.

  • Students who do not pass the subject in the ordinary call, and intend to do so in the extraordinary call, will maintain the grades obtained during the course in each of the assessment tests carried out, except for the qualifications of practices with the support of ICT and the two tests taken at the end of the course, which will be evaluated in the corresponding exam. Likewise, the qualification of the resolved exercises delivered during the course may be modified through a work supervised by the teaching staff (in this case, it will be necessary to contact the teaching staff well in advance to specify the work to be done).

  • Students are required to take this course responsible and honest behavior.

  • Any form of fraud (copying or plagiarism) aimed at falsifying the level of knowledge and skills achieved in all types of evidence, reports or work is considered inadmissible. Fraudulent conduct may mean suspending the subject for a full course. An internal record of these actions will be kept to, in the case of recidivism, request the rector to open a disciplinary file.
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