Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Mathematics: Mathematics II
Topic Sub-topic
Integral of line. Fields *conservativos Regular curves. Integral along a curve. Work realized by a field. Fields *conservativos. *Rotacional. Divergence
Double integration. Surfaces. Integration in *rectángulos. Integration in general areas. Change of variable. Polar coordinates. *Teorema Of *Green. Parametric and regular surfaces. Orientation of a surface.
Integral of surface. Integration @triple. Integral of flow. *Teoremas Of Stokes. Integration @triple. Spherical coordinates and *cilíndricas. *Teorema Of *Gauss.
Differential equations of first order Solution of a differential equation. Equations in separate variables. Exact equations. Linear equations.
Linear differential equations of upper order Linear equations of order *n. Solutions. Linear equations with @constante coefficients. General solution of the equation *homoxénea. Particular solution of the complete equation.
*Temario Of laboratory Resolution of exercises of integration and differential equations by means of programs of calculation.
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