Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Chemistry: Chemistry I
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical It is scored here along with the effort and the attitude, the skills and the competences developed by the student during the accomplishment of the different practices.
Attendance at practice sessions is mandatory and, therefore, it is not possible to pass the subject in case it has not taken place.

Learning outcomes:
- Definition of concepts such entalphy, standard entalphy, calorimetry, heat of dissolution and heat of reaction, and their calculation.
- Definition of pH and pOH, acidity/basicity constant, constants, hidrólisis constnt, and their calculatión.
- Learn about buffer solutions and the different types of acid-base reactions and know how to use them.
- To define reaction rate and rate equation, and know how to use.
- Learn and know how to use the main methods of analysis of kinetic data.
- To calculate the effect of the temperature in the reaction rate.
15 A1
Essay questions exam Completion of a written examat the end of the semester, on the date fixed by the Xunta de Facultade.
In addition, during the semester, on the date previously set by the teacher, an optional partial and releasing exam of topics I, II and III will be carried out. Students who achieve a grade of 4.0 or higher in the partial exam (which will have a weight of 28% in that case) will not have to be examined (if they wish) of that part of the Subject to the overall exam, only performing on that date an examination of the second partial (which will then have, in this case, a weight of 37%).

Learning outcomes:
- All included in the subject.
65 A1
Report of practices, practicum and external practices The formal aspects related to the organization, correct use of the units, correct preparation of the graphs and presentation of the results will be taken into account. Critical analysis of these and conclusions will also be assessed.
Learning outcomes:

- Definition of concepts such entalphy, standard entalphy, calorimetry, heat of dissolution and heat of reaction, and their calculation.
- Definition of pH and pOH, acidity/basicity constant, constants, hidrólisis constnt, and their calculatión.
- Learn about buffer solutions and the different types of acid-base reactions and know how to use them.
- To define reaction rate and rate equation, and know how to use.
- Learn and know how to use the main methods of analysis of kinetic data.
- To calculate the effect of the temperature in the reaction rate.
5 A1
Problem and/or exercise solving In addition to problem bulletins, at the end of each topic (or group of topics), we will propose "Assesable Exercises" that the students must solve autonomously and deliver to the teacher within the term that is fixed.

Learning outcomes:
- All included in the subject.
15 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

Students are strongly requested to fulfil a honest and responsible behaviour.

It is considered completely unacceptable any alteration or fraud (i.e., copy or plagiarism) contributing to modify the level of knowledge and abilities acquired in exams, evaluations, reports or any kind of teacher’s proposed work. Fraudulent behaviour may cause failing the course for a whole academic year. An internal dossier of these activities will be built and, when reoffending, the university rectorate will be asked to open a disciplinary record.

In order to pass the subject, it is essential to reach a minimum of 4.0 points over 10 in the long exam (or in the global evaluation of the partial exams, each one with its percentage). In case of not achieving this score, the grade that will be reflected in the record will be only the grade of this exam (or the global evaluation of the partial exams), not taking account any of the other sections.

In order to pass the subject it is necessary to achieve a minimum grade of 5.0 in the overall grade (weighted sum of the long or partial exams (65%), laboratory practices (15%), practice reports The "Assesable Exercises" (15%)).

The performance of the partial exam, or the long exam, will imply the condition of "presented" and, therefore, the assignment of a grade in accordance with the included in this teaching guide.

Second Call:

For the evaluation in the second call, the grades and percentages of laboratory practices, practice reports and "Assesable Exercises" will be maintained.

In order to know exam dates:

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000