Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Chemistry: Chemistry I
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Lecturing Those doubts/questions of the students that may arise along the course concerning the classes of theory will be solved in the tutoring schedule. The preferential modality for tutoring will be the no face-to-face concerted one. The student will have to make an appointment with the professor that have given the corresponding content. Because of the predictable circumstances for this course, tutoring will be preferably no face-to-face using remote campus or exchange of electronic messages.
Seminars Those doubts/questions of the students that may arise along the course concerning the seminaries will be solved in the tutoring schedule. The preferential modality for tutoring will be the no face-to-face concerted one. The student will have to make an appointment with the professor that had taught the corresponding exercise. Because of the predictable circumstances for this course, tutoring will be preferably no face-to-face using remote campus or exchange of electronic messages.
Laboratory practical Those doubts/questions of the students that may arise along the course concerning the laboratory practices or the preparation of the corresponding reports will be solved in the tutoring schedule. The preferential modality for tutoring will be the no face-to-face concerted. The student will have to make an appointment with his lab professor. Given the predictable circumstances for this course, tutoring will be preferably no face-to-face using remote campus or exchange of electronic messages.
Autonomous problem solving Those doubts/questions of the students that may arise along the course concerning the resolution of exercises, and/or other autonomous activities to be carried out, will be solved in the tutoring schedule. The preferential modality for tutoring will be the no face-to-face concerted one. The student will have to make an appointment with the professor that had proposed the corresponding activity. Because of the predictable circumstances for this course, tutoring will be preferably no face-to-face using remote campus or exchange of electronic messages. , will be resolved individually in the teacher tutoring schedule. In the present academic year schedule of tutorials will be Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 to 12:00 hours and at 14:00 to 15:00. This schedule may vary promptly, when the teacher has other teaching, research or administrative obligations to meet. To better optimise the procedure, the student is requested to previously contact his/her teacher with reasonable anticipation.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000