Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Geology: Geology 1
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Lecturing The student will be able to be attended so much during Master sessionss, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in the hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Introductory activities The student will be able to be attended during the introductory activities, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Seminars The student will be able to be attended so much during the seminars, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Laboratory practical The student will be able to be attended so much during Laboratory practises, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Studies excursion The student will be able to be attended so much during field practices, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, how in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimize the time, is necessary that students contact with the professor with enough time.
Tests Description
Problem and/or exercise solving The student will be able to be attended so much during the seminars, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Laboratory practice The student will be able to be attended so much during Laboratory practises, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Report of practices, practicum and external practices The student will be able to be attended so much during field practices, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, how in hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimize the time, is necessary that students contact with the professor with enough time.
Objective questions exam The student will be able to be attended so much during Master sessionss, if it does not affect of sensitive way in the development of the same, and in the hours of tutorías (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of 12:00 to 14:00). To optimise the time, is necessary that the students contact with the professor with enough time.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000