Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Marine genetic resources
Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1. Introduction Presentation and analysis of the program. Taking of decisions on the process of learning and the system of evaluation of the course. Evaluation of the level of genetic knowledge of the students. Review of basic genetic concepts.
Subject 2. The genetic variability. The Mendelian Traits. Genetic Variability and Classes of Hereditary Characters. Mendelian Genetics. Dominance Relationships and Multiple Alleles. Gene Interactions and Lethal Alleles. Selection of Mendelian Characters in Aquaculture.
Subject 3. Quantitative characters. Genetic analysis of the Continuous Traits. The biometrical methods in Quantitative Genetics. Heritability. Response to Selection and Application in Aquaculture.

Subject 4. Genetic Structure of Populations and Molecular Markers.
The Discrete Genetic Variability.The Ideal Population. Non Random Mating and Inbreeding. Measuring Genetic Variation at Protein and DNA Levels. Allozyme Polymorphisms. RFLPs. PCR. Minisatellites and Microsatellites. Sequences of DNA Sequence Variation.

Subject 5. Populational Genetic Structure and Evolutionary agents Agents that Change Gene Frequencies in Populations. Mutation. Migration. Random Genetic Drift. Natural Selection.
Subject 6. Populational Genetic Structure and Management of Marine Genetic Resources. Populational Genetic Structure. Genetic management of Fisheries and the Biological Stock Concept. Genetic Management in Aquaculture: Exploitation and Aquaculture Stocks. Conservation Genetics and Marine Biodiversity. Genetics and Biological Invasions.
Practice 1. Experimental Genotyping of Populations by PCR. Identification of species. DNA Extraction. DNA Amplificacion PCR. Molecular separation using Agarose Electrophoretic Migration. Visualisation of PCR Products. Interpretation of genotypes and Record of data.
Practice 2. Experimental Genotyping of Populations by PCR-RFLP. Populational analysis or authentication of Fishery Products. DNA Extraction. PCR of a mitochondrial gene. Digestión of PCR Products with Restriction Enzymes. Electrophoretic Migration. Interpretation of the Electrophoretic Patterns. Populational analyses or Identification of species for each Fishery Product.
Practice 3. Bioinformatic Analyses of intra e interspecific populational genetic data. Tabulation of the genetic data obtained in the Laboratory or in the International Databases. Molecular Phylogenetic Inference employing Genetic Distances and Phylogenetic Methods.
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