Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Marine and coastal management
   Personalized assistance
Methodologies Description
Seminars 7 seminars of 2 hours in which the lecturer will enter a subject and the students will work on a questionnaire. All the questions will be solved in the seminars. There will be personal tutorials for the preparation of the oral and written presentations in previously schedulled sesions.
Lecturing 23 classes of 1 hour. Students will have access to tutorials, mainly in the indicated schedules. It is advisable that the student contact the lecturer by e-mail.
Practices through ICT 1 sessions of 4 hours, in the computer room. They will aproach different subjects applied of coastal management, where the students will have to solve problems posed during the practice. The doubts and questions will be addressed during the practice.
Studies excursion Field trip to Lanzada Beach. The students will have the oportunity to ask any scientific questions along the day to complete their field memory.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000