Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grao en Ciencias do Mar
  Chemistry applied to the marine environment II
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Introductory activities The syllabus will be presented to the students (mainly aims, competences and evaluation criteria). Moreover the activities of the semester will be presented.
Lecturing The professor will make an exhibition of the contents of the syllabus to develop, where the professor can pose some question to the students for his resolution in class. Likewise, the students can ask to the professor the questions that go arising along the exhibition. The material of the presentation will be available for the students before the session and will have to assist to her with said material. At the end of each subject, or of each group of subjects, will have to make a questionnaire that will resolve individually.
Mentored work During the session of practices in the room of computing, the students will obtain data related with the purification of residual waters. With the data obtained will have to elaborate a report with the same format that a scientific article.
On the other hand, the students will study a practical case based in the analysis of a contaminant which developed in base to a bibliographic research and of agreement to some criteria of evaluation published in the platform TEMA.
They do not have obligation to make these works those students that made and approved them in the previous course.
Laboratory practical The students will make some lab practices regarding the analysis of environmental pollutants and will present the corresponding report that will be evaluated in agreement to the criteria published in the platform FAITIC.
They do not have obligation to make these practices those students that already made them and approved in the previous course.
Practices through ICT The students will make some practices of computer on the treatment of residual waters. They will consist in the utilisation of a simulator in which it will study the effect of diverse parameters in the process of treatment of the residual waters. The students will have to take data of the different parameters studied, which will be employed for the preparation of the Supervised Works.
Studies excursion It will make a visit to the main Station Debugger of Residual Waters of the municipality of Vigo, the EDAR of Lagares. In case that it was not possible, will treat to visit another EDAR.
After the visit the students will have to answer to a brief questionnaire related with the same.
In the measure of the economic possibilities of the centre, schedules and availability of companies of interest, could visit some company of interest related with the subject. This visit would have would have voluntary character.
Presentation The students will do a brief presentation in public related with the analytical work made in the Supervised Works. The mates and the professor will be able to make questions on the presentation made.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000