Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría de Minas
  Water Engineering
   Contingency plan
In front of it uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the COVID-19, the University establishes join extraordinary planning that will actuate in the moment in that the administrations and the @propio institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the *docencia in a @escenario no *presencial or no totally *presencial. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the *docencia of a way but *áxil and effective when being known beforehand (or with a wide advance) pole students and the teaching staff through the tool normalized and institutionalized of the teaching guides DOCNE*T.

1. Modality *semipresencial
In the case to actuate the education *semipresencial would suppose a reduction of the *aforos of the teaching spaces employees in the modality *presencial, pole that how first measure the centre would provide to the teaching staff of the subject to relative information to the new *aforos of the teaching spaces, to the object that it can proceed to reorganize the formative activities of the that subtracts of the *cuadrimestre. It fits to point out that the reorganisation will depend of the moment along the *cuadrimestre in that actuated dictate modality of teaching. In the reorganisation of the educations would follow the following *pautas:

Inform it all the students through the platform *FaiTIC of the conditions in that will develop the formative activities and the proofs of evaluation that subtract to finalize the *cuadrimestre.

The sessions of *titorización will be able to realized by telematic means (email, videoconference, forums of FAITI*C, ...) Low the modality of *concertación previous.

In the case that it splits of the students had realized practices of instrumental laboratory or of computing of form *presencial, realize *presencialmente, possibly, these activities or analogs stop the students that no realized them.

Of the activities that subtract to finish off the *cuadrimestre, identify those formative activities that can be realized by all the students of form *presencial and the formative activities that will realize in remote way.

In relation the tools for it employ stop the formative activities that realize in way no *presencial, will explain with the use of *CampusRemoto and the platform *FaiTIC.

2. Modality in the *presencial

In the case in that actuate the modality of teaching no *presencial (suspension of all the formative activities and of evaluation *presenciais) will employ the available tools in the actuality in the University of Vigo: Remote Campus and *FaiTIC. The conditions of reorganisation will depend of the moment along the *cuadrimestre in that actuate dictate modality of teaching. In the reorganisation of the educations would follow the following *pautas:

2.1. Communication
Inform it all the students through the platform *FaiTIC of the conditions in the that will give back the formative activities and the proofs of evaluation that subtract to finalize the *cuadrimestre.

2,2. Adaptation and/ or modification of teaching methodologies
Since the teaching methodologies are conceived stop the modality of teaching *presencial indicate the continuation the teaching methodologies that would keep and which would modify or will substitute in the modality no *presencial.
The teaching methodologies that keep are the following, since they can employed in modality *presencial and no *presencial
Lesson *maxistral
The teaching methodologies that modify are the following
The exits of study to installations or companies *reemplazaranse by interactive or explanatory videos of the technological processes
To the practices in the room of computers *reemplazaranse by *teletraballo

2.3. Adaptation of attention of *titorías and attention customized
The sessions of *titorización will be able to realized by telematic means (email, videoconference, forums of FAITI*C, ...) Low the modality of *concertación previous..

2.4. Evaluation
No modifies

2.5. Bibliography or material additional to facilitate to car-learning
No modifies
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