Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Degree in Mining and Energy Resources Engineering
  Graphic expression: Graphic expression
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work Activity to apply technical drawing standards for defining an object.
Learning outcomes:
Know the process of making and understanding the overall drawing,
List of parts and the exploded view of a mechanism. Acquire the necessary skills
to perform freehand representations. Acquire the skills
necessary to make representations using computer applications
of computer-aided design.
Objective questions exam Two Short-Answer Exams will be given on the practical /
theoretical contents developed in lecturing sessions. Learning
Understand the basic aspects of representation systems and their
application in engineering activities.
Essay questions exam Two exams of this type will be given, using freehand drawing,
classical instruments, and/or using a CAD system, depending on the
Learning outcomes: Know how to represent a landform from a 3D cloud
of points; know the process of making and understanding drawing of
set, parts list, and part of a mechanism. Know the techniques
to evaluate layers and folds using
stereographic projection. Acquire the necessary skills to perform
Freehand drawings. Acquire the necessary skills to
make representations using CAD system.
Other comments on the Evaluation

Continuous assessment of the student's learning process will be adopted. The overall score will be the result of adding up the

scores obtained in the different elements of "Assessment" weighted according to by their percentage of the total mark and provided that score  of at least 30% is obtained on each exam ( the two short answer and two problem solving exams, as well as the mentored work).

To pass the course, the overall score has to be equal or greater than 5 points. Students who do not pass the

continuous assessment may take the final exam. 

The final exam will consist of two parts: the theoretical/practical part and problem solving. Each of these parts is worth 50% of the final mark.

Students who obtain at least 30% on each short answer exam and an

average of at least 4 points will not have to do the theoretical-practical part of the final exam. Students who obtain

at least 30% on each exam of problem-solving and / or exercises as well as the mentored work and an average of at least 4

points will not have to do the problem solving part of the final exam.


Exam Timetable: Exam dates and rooms must be verified in the
official webpage of the school:


Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000