Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Degree in Energy Engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay The student, in group, will realise a project according to the contents of the matter. For this will ask them a series of deliverables during the course and will realise an oral presentation of the Project at the end of the matter. The number of students that constitute the group fixed to the beginning of the course with the professor. Results of learning: Know the technological base on which support the technical solutions to apply in each Project. Know the applicable legislation in the editorial and processing of Projects, as well as the diverse administrative procedures of permission. Know the particular protocol of realisation of a Mining Project, an Industrial Project, an Energetic Project, and a Project of Infrastructures, in the competence fields of the degree. Know the new computer technicians for the editorial and execution of Projects. Purchase consciousness on the environmental conditionings and of security and health in the editorial and execution of Projects. Purchase a solid knowledge of as realise correct and real budgets, and his importance like tool of management of the Project.
Comprise the basic appearances of the realisation of Projects by part do Engineer, his professional competitions, duties and responsibilities.
50 C19
Problem and/or exercise solving Examination of the theoretical part of the matter.
Results of learning: Comprise the basic appearances of the realisation of Projects by Engineer, his professional competitions, duties and responsibilities. Know the applicable legislation in the editorial and processing of Projects, as well as the diverse administrative procedures of permission. Know the particular protocol of realisation of a Mining Project, an Industrial Project, an Energetic Project, and a Project of Infrastructures, in the fields competences of the degree.
50 C19
Other comments on the Evaluation

The evaluation of the work of the student, individual and/or in group, of face-to-face form and no face-to-face will realise by means of the assessment of the professor averaging the different activities realised.

To follow the subject the students can opt by the modality of Continuous Evaluation or the one of Evaluation no Continuous. In both cases, to obtain the qualification will employ a system of numerical assessment with values of 0,0 to 10,0 points according to the valid legislation (R.D. 1125/2003 of 5 September, BOE. Number 224 of 18 September). The subject will be passed when the qualification of the student was over 5,0.

For the First Announcement or Edition (ordinary 1º period)

To) Modality of Continuous Evaluation:

The final note of the  subject will combine the qualifications of the project realised in group and his oral exhibition (50%), as well as the proof written (50%).

They will value the behaviour and the implication of the student in the classes and in the realisation of the diverse activities programmed, the fulfillment of the terms of delivery and/or exhibition and defence of the works proposed, etc.

In case that a student do not reach the minimum of 5 points on 10 demanded in any of the sections, will have to realise a final examination in the date fixed by the Direction of the centre.

To be able to access to the continuous evaluation, the student has to can assist to 75% of the total of the classes, and to have delivered in due time and manner all the deliverables requested during the course.

b) Modality of Evaluation no Continuous:

It establishes a term of two weeks from the start of the course so that the student justifies with a document his impossibility to follow the process of continuous evaluation.

The student that renounce to the continuous evaluation will have to realise a final examination that will cover the whole of the contents of the subject, so many theorists like practical, and that it will be able to include test type test, questions of reasoning, resolution of problems and development of practical suppositions. The qualification of the examination will be 100% of the final note.

It demands reach a minimum qualification of 5,0 points on 10,0 possible to be able to pass the subject

For the Second Announcement or Edition (extraordinary of July)

The students that do not surpass the subject in the First Announcement will have a second announcement according to the calendar fixed by the centre.

The students that have not surpassed the subject in the First Announcement will be able to present to the Second Announcement, where will realise an examination that will cover the whole of the contents of the subject, so many theorists like practical, and that they will be able to include test type test, questions of reasoning, resolution of problems and development of practical cases. It demands reach a minimum qualification of 5,0 points on 10,0 possible to be able to surpass the subject.

Calendar of examinations: Verify /consult of up to date
form in the page web of the centre:

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000