Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Degree in Energy Engineering
Topic Sub-topic
Geodesy and Cartography Basic concepts. Data sources and means for capturing information and obtaining topographical planes Concept of Geodesy, Geoid and ellipsoid.
Concept of Cartography. Geographical and cartographic coordinates.
Coordinate Reference Systems .
Datum. Cartographic projections. UTM.
Classical, digital and online data sources. Available information through Internet
Aerial and terrestrial Photogrammetry basics. Photogrammetry Principles of , basic concepts, relation between space image - and object 3D space.
General photogrammetric Processing: relative and absolute orientation.
Photogrammetric Cameras: interior orientation and calibration. Photogrammetric restitution.
Rectification and orthorectification.
Photogrammetric survey: project and flight planning and management.
Introduction to LiDAR sensors Introduction to laser scanning devices.
Aerial, Terrestrial and Mobile Laser scanners and basics of the method.
Topography basics. Topographical instruments and methods. Key concepts: scales, limits of visual perception, units, planimetrics and altimetrics.
Simple instruments and components.
Radiation Methodology. Planimetric and altimetric surveying.
Error theory.
Global Navigation Satellite Systems , GNSS Examples of current GNSS systems: GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, COMPASS.
System description, components and segments.
Measurment methodology and acquistion methods. Precision discussion.
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