Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Degree in Energy Engineering
  Materials technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam They consist in short questions included in the final exam.
The learning outcomes achieved are: The understanding of the basic concepts related to bonding, structure, and microstructure of the different types of materials. The understanding of the relationship between the material microstructure and its mechanical, electrical, thermal and magnetic behaviour. The knowledge of the main techniques for structural characterization of materials and the
acquisition of skills for handling diagrams and plots.
30 C11
Report of practices, practicum and external practices Each laboratory session generates a report that must be done by the students individually.
The learning outcomes achieved are:the knowledge of the basis of the mechanical behaviour of the materials. The knowledge of the main techniques for structural characterization of materials. The acquisition of skills for handling diagrams and plots. The capacity to apply standards for materials testing and the developments of skills for performing tests.
10 C11
Objective questions exam It will consist of a set of test-type questions related to the practices that were carried out in the laboratory
The learning outcomes achieved are: the understanding of the basic concepts related to bonding, structure, and microstructure of the different types of materials. The understanding of the relationship between the material microstructure and its behaviour, and the capacity to apply standards for materials testing.
10 C11
Problem and/or exercise solving They will be included in the final exam. These are exercises to put into practice the contents explained in the classroom.
The learning outcomes achieved are: the understanding of the basic concepts related to bonding, structure, and microstructure of the different types of material. The understanding of the relationship between the material microstructure and its behaviour. The knowledge of the main techniques for structural characterization of materials, and the development of skills for handling diagrams and plots.
40 C11
Objective questions exam Tests that assess knowledge that includes closed with response alternatives questions (true/false, multiple choice, matching of elements...).
The learning outcomes achieved are: The understanding of the basic concepts related to bonding, structure, and microstructure of the different types of materials. The understanding of the relationship between the material microstructure and its mechanical, electrical, thermal and magnetic behaviour. The knowledge of the main techniques for structural characterization of materials and the
acquisition of skills for handling diagrams and plots.
10 C11
Other comments on the Evaluation

In the first call, to pass the subject a minimum mark of 40% in the official exam must be reached.

In the second call (July), the continuous assessment will not be taken into account and the final exam is worth 10 points.

For checking the exams calendar, visit the webpage od the School:
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000