Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Degree in Energy Engineering
  Materials technology
   Contingency plan
Given the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will be activated when the administrations and the institution itself determine it, considering safety, health and responsibility criteria both in distance and blended learning. These already planned measures guarantee, at the required time, the development of teaching in a more agile and effective way, as it is known in advance (or well in advance) by the students and teachers through the standardized tool.
1. Semi-presential modality
Once the semi-presential teaching is required, it would mean a reduction of the capacity of the teaching spaces used in the face-to-face modality. Therefore, as the first measure of the center, the capacity of the teaching spaces would be reformulated and informed to the teachers, in order to proceed to reorganize the formative activities for the rest of the semester. It should be noted that the reorganization will depend on the moment throughout the semester in which this semi-presential modality is activated. For the reorganization of the teaching activities, the following guidelines would be followed:

Through the FaiTIC platform, all the students will be informed about the new conditions under which the formative activities and assessment tests will be carried out at the end of the semester.

The tutorial sessions will be carried out by telematic means (email, videoconference, FAITIC forums, ...) with prior agreement.

Once some of the students have carried out experimental or computer laboratory practices in the face-to-face modality, if it is possible, the rest of the students will have the possibility to perform the same or equivalent activities in the same modality.

For the rest of the activities until the end of the semester, it should be done a proper identification of those formative activities which can be done under face-to-face modality and those which will be carried out remotely.

Regarding the potential tools to be applied for the formative activities during the online mode, Campus Remoto and the FaiTIC platform will be used.

2. Online modality
In the event that the non-face-to-face teaching modality is required (suspension of all face-to-face formative and assessment activities), the tools currently available at the University of Vigo, Campus Remoto and the FaiTIC platform will be used. The reorganization will depend on the moment throughout the semester in which this online modality is activated. In the reorganization of the teaching activities, the following guidelines would be followed:

2.1. Communication
Through the FaiTIC platform, all the students will be informed about the new conditions under which the formative activities and assessment tests will be carried out at the end of the semester.

2.2. Adaptation and / or modification of teaching methodologies
As the teaching methodologies have been conceived for the face-to-face teaching modality, the teaching methodologies that would be kept and those which would be modified or replaced in the online modality are indicated below.

The teaching methodologies that would be kept, since they can be used in face-to-face and online teaching mode
Lecturing and problem-solving. Both methodologies can be used through Campus Remoto platform.

The teaching methodologies that would be modified are the following
Laboratory and studies excursion. These methodologies must be modified. The use of videos that illustrate the objectives pursued with these methodologies is proposed as an alternative. As far as possible, online resources will be sought that allow student interaction with laboratory practice.

2.3. Adaptation of tutorial sessions and personalized attention
The tutorial sessions may be carried out by telematic means (email, videoconference, FAITIC forums, ...) with prior agreement.

2.4. Evaluation
The short questions exam is removed and the weight of the objective questions exam is increased by up to 50%. This test may consist of several tests distributed throughout the semester, depending on the evolution of the circumstances. In the extraordinary call for July, the same qualification criteria will be maintained as in the ordinary call.
2.5. Bibliography or additional material to facilitate self-learning
Self-appraisal tests will be proposed.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000