Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Degree in Law
  Financial and taxation law 2
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam The final test consists of two parts: a written practical one (in which the student will have to solve one or several practical cases, 20% of the mark), and an oral theorical one (in which students should develop several topics chosen by professors, 80% of the mark).

Problem and/or exercise solving During the Seminars students will answer several tests 20
Presentation During the Seminars students will solve cases, will present a topic, will deliver a paper.
Those activities will be only assessed for students opting for the "continuous evaluation system"
Other comments on the Evaluation

The program included in this guide ("Contents")  are a short version of the complete program which will be object of the assessment and deliver to the students when the course will start.


Students assessed under the system of "continuous evaluation" (they must attend 90% of the teaching hours), they will be assessed as indicated above: final exam (70%), problem and/or exercise solving (20%) and other activities (presentation: 10%). The final exam will be integrated by the oral theory part (80%) and the written practical one (20%). In order that the result of the "continuous evaluation" is taken into account, students need to obtain a 4 (over 10) on the final exam.

Students out of the  system of "continuous evaluation", will be assessed by a final exam which will be integrated by the oral theory part (70%) and the written practical one (30%). The exam will be different to the one performed by students  assessed under the system of "continuous evaluation", since the final exam is the only chance, for these students, to assess the competences included in this guide.


At the exam in June/July, students who followed the "continuous evaluation" system will only make a final exam which will be integrated by the oral theory part (80%) and the written practical one (20%). The final exam will represent the 70% of the final score, corresponding the remaining 30% with the qualification obtained through the "continuous evaluation" system.

Students out of the  system of "continuous evaluation", will be assessed by a final exam which will be integrated by the oral theory part (70%) and the written practical one (30%). The exam will be different to the one performed by students  assessed under the system of "continuous evaluation", since the final exam is the only chance, for these students, to assess the competences included in this guide.

Students who had followed the system of "continuous evaluation", and did not pass the subject not at the first opportunity nor at the second one, are entitle to keep the qualification obtained through that system for the following academic year (2021-2022). 

"CONVOCATORIA DE FIN DE CARRERA": Students will be assessed by a final exam which will be integrated by the oral theory part (70%) and the written practical one (30%).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000