Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Degree in Law
  Administrative law 1
Topic Sub-topic
Lesson 1- The Administrative Law and the Public Administration: concept and characters; legal sources, in particular the by-law. 1. The Administrative Law determined by the concept of Public Administration
2. The characters of Administrative Law
3. The legal system
4. The Administrative Law and the rules with force of law
5. The by-law
a. Concept
b. Justificationof the regulatory power
c. Distinction between the by-laws and the administrative acts
d. The singular non-derogability of the by-laws
e. The relations between the law and the by-law
f. Kinds of by-laws
g. Formal and material limits which condition the validity of the by-laws
h. The illegal by-laws. Mechanisms of control of the legality of the by-laws
Lesson 2- The subjects: The Public Administrations and their organization. The citizen 1. The public sector
2. The Public Administrations
a. The legal personality of the Administration
b. The diversity of Public Administrations
c. The capacity of the public legal entities
d. The administrative bodies. The competence
e. The organization of the Spanish territorial Administrations
f. The organization of the institutional Administrations and corporative entities
3. The citizen
a. Relations of supremacy or general and special subjection
b. The ability to act and its amending circumstances
c. The subjective legal situations
Lesson 3- Foundations of the administrative activity: the principle of legality of the Administration 1. Contents of the principle of legality
2. Concept of administrative power
3. The mechanisms of attribution of powers to the Administration
4. Kinds of administrative powers
5. In particular, the discretionary power and its differences with the undetermined legal concepts
6. Mechanisms of control of the discretion
Lesson 4- The administrative acts: kinds, elements, effectiveness, validity. The administrative silence 1. Concept of administrative act
2. Elements of the administrative acts
3. Kind of administrative acts: the relevance of the different criteria
4. The effectiveness of the administrative acts
a. Concept
b. La immediate effectiveness
c. Exceptions to the immediate effectiveness:
i. Delayed effectiveness; notification and publication of the administrative acts
ii. Early effectiveness
5. Theory of invalidity: degrees of invalidity of the administrative acts
a. The voidability of the administrative acts
b. Absolute nullity
c. Non-invalidating irregularities
6. The problem of the inactivity of the Administration
a. The duty to resolve and notify. Deadlines
b. Effects of the administrative silence
c. Procedures initiated at the request of the interested party
d. Procedures initiated ex officio. Expiry
e. Legal nature of the administrative silence: legal fiction or presumed act. The effectiveness of the presumed acts
f. The deadlines to appeal for the administrative silence
g. The administrative silence in Urban Law
Lesson 5- The administrative procedure 1. The common administrative procedure and the "additional or different formalities". The electronic processing of the procedure.
2. The general principles of the procedure
3. The interested parties
4. Terms and deadlines: its calculation
5. Stages of the administrative procedure: initiation, proceedings and termination
Lesson 6- The administrative remedies 1. Concept and characteristics of the administrative remedies.
Alternative procedures of challenge and claim
2. Kinds of administrative remedies
a) Ordinary remedies (alzada and reposición)
c) Extraordinary appeal: revision
d) Special remedies
3. The revocation of the administrative acts
a) Revocation on the grounds of legality: the revision of null and voidable acts
b) Revocation on the grounds of opportunity
4. The rectification of material, factual or arithmetical errors.
6. The suspension of the effectiveness of the administrative acts in the event of administrative appeal or ex officio revision
Lesson 7- Administrative coercion. In particular, the execution of the administrative acts 1. The forced execution of the administrative acts
a. The premises for the execution
b. Principles of the execution procedure
c. Means of forces execution
2. The direct coercion
3. De facto proceedings
Lesson 8- Contracts of the public sector 1. Introduction: agreements and contracts. Relevance of the European Union Law
2. Subjective scope
3. Excluded transactions and contracts
4. Contracts of the public sector: delimitation criteria, system of legal sources and legal framework
5. The parties of the contract
6. Object, price, amount of the contract and guarantees
The preparation of the contracts. Choice of the contractor, award and formalization of the contracts.
7. Technical rationalization of the procurement
8. The administrative organization for procurement management
9. Invalidity regime and special appeal on public procurement
10. Effects, compliance and extinction of contracts. In particular, the prerogatives of the Administration, the modification of contracts and the techniques to ensure the economic balance
11. The typical administrative contracts
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