Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Degree in Law
  Law: Constitutional law 2
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Case studies Reading and analysis of legal documents or a fact, problem or real case studies in order that the student complete knowledge, reflections on the particular and interpret and generate the hypothesis that he considers appropriate. The student will develop exercises or projects in the classroom under the guidelines and supervision of the teacher. Its development can be linked to autonomous activities of the student. Objective tests of short questions may be included, the test type to verify these objectives and that students know how to self-evaluate, as well as exhibitions and debates by the students before the teacher and / or a group of students of a subject on content of the subject or of the results of a job, exercise, project ... either individually or in groups.
Mentored work The student, individually or in groups, prepares a document on the topic of the subject or prepares seminars, research, reports, essays, summaries of lectures, conferences, etc.
Lecturing Exhibition by the teacher of the contents referring to the subject matter of study
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