Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Degree in Law
  Computer: New technologies applied to law
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving The evaluation of certain activities will be carried out using rubrics.

Result of learning:
- Developing skills for the search and treatment of the juridical information.
- Managing appropriatie computer tools for the professional development in the judicial system.
- Developing the capacity to work, collaborating and cooperating in digital environments.
50 A1
Objective questions exam Self-assessment questionnaires will be carried out to validate the student's acquisition of competencies.
A questionnaire will be conducted at the end of each of the theory topics and for certain problem-solving sessions and exercises.

Result of learning:
-Knowing and understanding the basic principles and concepts of computer science and how they are related with Law.
- Developing skills for the search and treatment of the juridical information.
- Managing appropriatie computer tools for the professional development in the judicial system.

50 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

It is recalled to all the students the prohibition of the use of mobiledevices or portable computers in exercises, practical and test, in fulfillment of the article 13.2.d) Of theStatute of the University Student, relative to the duties of the students University, that establishes theduty to "refrain from the utilization or cooperation in fraudulentprocedures in the proofs of evaluation, in the works that performed or in official rules of the University."

The course is divided into two parts: theory(20%) and practice (80%).

The practice is divided into 4 blocks: legal sources (15%), advancedword processor (15%), spreadsheet (15%) and tools for collaborative work (35%).

The final grade is obtained, byapplying the following formula:

Theory x 20% + legal sources x 15% + advancedprocessor x 15% + worksheet x 15% + collaborative tools x 35%.

A minimun score of 4 in each of the blocks isrequired. A student considered passed if he/she obtains a five or more in compliance with allthe requirements.

If some requeriment is not met and the final average is equal to or greaterthan 5, the final gradewill be 4.


In the first 15 days of the course, the student canchoose the system that suits him or her best to apply, between continuous assessment (tests andactivities throughout the semester) or non continuous assesment (100% of score).

For such order, a contract which must be signed by all that students wish to be graded in continuous assesment. The signature of this continuous evaluation contract is mandatory for allstudents. If a student do not sign this contract, it is understood that he or she opt for a single final exam and renounces the continuous evaluation assessment.

The final exam will be the date and time proposed by the school, and those estudents who opted for this evaluation system will attend to it only.

Registered students who have expressly renounced to the continuous assessment system may take the May/June exam (onthe date and at the time proposed by the University) and take an exam that allows them to obtain 100% of the grade. This exam is not open to those who have failed the continuous assessment.

The second opportunity (July) will take place as a final examination exam that will evaluate 100% of the subject. To the students whoopted for continuous evaluation, they will only go with those blocks that would have suspended.

In the final term of the career, an exam will be proposed to evaluate 100% of the subject.

The dates and times of the evaluation tests of the different calls are those established in the evaluation schedule approved by the Faculty board for the course 2020-2021.

The version of the guide was made in Spanish.For any doubt or contradiction, the Spanish guide will be mandatory.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000