Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Telecommunication Engineering
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Mentored work The students will write 2 intermediate reports and a final report including the results obtained to justify the technical feasibility of the proposed small satellite mission.

The evaluation will be based on the students' assistance to the master lessons, his or her participation on the seminars as well ass the presented reports and oral presentations showing the obtained results.
45 A2
Seminars The students will perform simulations using specific software.

The evaluation will be based on the students' assistance to the seminars, his or her participation on the seminars and a final report.
35 A2
Problem and/or exercise solving A final test to complement the evaluation of the contents presented in the master sessions.

The test will be individual with time
20 C18
Other comments on the Evaluation

In case of detection of plagiarism in some of the works or tests, the final qualification of the subject will be "suspended (0)" and the lecturers will communicate to the direction of the School the matter in order to take the measures it deems appropriate.

At the 
beginning of the term, the student will choose the assessment methodology for the first call: single evaluation or continuous evaluation. The second call will be always assessed by single evaluation.

The teaching language will be English.

documentation and presentations of this subject will be exclusively in English.

shall be used for writing the reports to
evaluate the laboratory practices and the tutored works.

The students can use English, Spanish or Galego to respond the final short answer test.

First call

The subject
will be evaluated through one of the following mechanisms:

Single evaluation:

  • The exam will include questions, numerical problems and/or development of simulations, related with the contents presented in master sessions, seminars and tutored works. It will be necessary to obtain 5 points over 10 to pass the exam.

The subject will
be assessed throughout the entire term:

  • Seminars: each student will have to perform
    different tasks with a total weight of 35% of the final mark.

  • Tutored works: each student will participate in
    different tutored works proposed during the lecture period. This part will

    be evaluated by written reports as well as oral presentatios. This activity will have a total weight of
    45% of the final mark.

  • Short answer test: This exam will be the final assessment
    of the continuous evaluation, and it will have a total weight of 25% of the
    final mark.

Second call: the student
will have to take an exam which will include questions and/or numerical problems

related with the contents presented in the master sessions, seminars and the tutored works (100% of the final mark). Those students
following the continuous evaluation, during the fisrt call, can optionally take this exam for
the 65% of the final grade. 

All the different
grades are only valid for the current course, and will expire after the second call
in case someone needs to take the course again.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000