Guia docente 2020_21
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Degree in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering - In extinction
  Wireless and mobile networks
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing Students will be individually evaluated to asses what they have learned in master sessions. Two exams will be done: one at the middle of the term, and one at the end.
30 B3
Mentored work Students will be divided in groups to complete the design, implementation and validation of a protocol, a system, an application or service. The result will be evaluated after the delivery, having into account key aspects such as the correction, the quality, the performance and the functionalities. In addition, during the implementation of the works, the design and the evolution of the development will be evaluated. The evaluation will be by group and by person: each one of the members of a team must document his/her tasks and answer the questions related to them. 50 B3
Laboratory practical Students will fill lab reports, individually, to asses the correct realization and understanding of the laboratory tasks. 20 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

In order to pass the course it is necessary to complete the different parts of the course (master sessions, practices in labs, and tutored works). The final grade will be the weighted geometric mean of the grades of the different parts (i.e. it is not possible to pass the subject with a zero in one part). If "x" is the grade obtained for the master sessions, "y" for the practices in labs, and "z" for the tutored works, the final grade will be FG = x^0.3*y^0.2*z^0.5.

During the first month, students must declare if they opt for continuous or eventual assessment. Students who select continuous assessment and submit the first task or lab report may not be listed as "Not Present".

Students that opt by the eventual assessment procedure, must submit an additional dossier with detailed information about the events and issues that arose during the execution of the different tasks, and especially the tutored work. In addition, during the first month of the course, professors will notify students if they have to do the tutored work individually, in the case they opt for unique assessment.

Second call and extraordinary calls

The assessment system will be the same as the eventual assessment of the first call. 

Students that have opted by the continuous assessment procedure, can decide to maintain the grades of the parts they have already passed in the first call or discard them.

Other comments

The documentation will be in English. The course will be tough in Spanish and Galician (including exams). However students will be able to answer in English, Spanish or Galician, as they prefer.  

The grades obtained are only valid for the current academic year.

Although the tutored work will be completed (if possible) in groups, the performance of each student in his or her group will be analyzed continuously

Although the tutored work will be completed (if possible) in groups, the performance of each student in his or her group will be monitored continuously. In the case in which the performance of a member of the group wouldn't be adequate compared with the performance of his or her team mates, he or she could be excluded from the group and/or qualified individually.

The use of any material during the tests will have to be explicitly authorized.

Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the tests or exams, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution”.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000