Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de CC. Económicas e Empresariais
PCEO Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas/Grao en Dereito
  Administrative law 1
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Seminars In the "Seminars" of the kinds *presenciais also will propose to the
students to realization of distinct activities: practical cases,
oral exhibition of one fear, presentation written of one work, task *colaborativa in the classroom, etc. These activities only will be evaluated for
them/the students/those that subject the continuous evaluation. In these *Semianrios will value the active participation of the students, is to say, the assistance more the participation of quality. The mere assistance no values .
35 A1
Lecturing During the kinds *maxistrais, to the thread of the explanations, will expose to the students questions or supposed in fact so that the student develop reasonings or deductions related with the subject that explains . In this felt will evaluate the active assistance of the student in the kinds *maxistrais, is to say, the assistance more the participation of active quality in the tracking of the lessons of the active form indicated. The mere assistance no values . If no they posed questions in the sessions *maxistrais, this percentage of evaluation *acrecería to the of the specific activities developed in the seminars. 5 A1
Problem and/or exercise solving The student will have to answer several questions (of theoretical cut and/or practical), stop those that the professor will be able to, in case to estimate it convenient, allow the utilization of legal texts. 60 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation
To participate in a continuous assessment, it will be an essential requirement that the student upload their student file to the TEMA platform before the end of the month or the month of September. After said period, no changes will be admitted regarding the decision to continue or not to
continuous assessment.
A qualification obtained through continuous assessment will be maintained in the second call of the academic year. To pass the subject it is necessary to obtain a pass between the final exam and a continuous assessment. The maximum qualification that can be obtained without a final exam will be 6, adding to the obtained score, not the exact exam that corresponds to a continuous assessment. In order for this sum to take place, it will be an essential requirement to obtain a minimum of 3 out of 6, not a final exam.
In all the summons or final exam it may consist of practical tests (resolution of practical cases), e / ou short response tests, and / or oral exam. All this type of evidence will be of short responsibility, it may consist, not in your case, non-development of the explanation of the matter in detail. Or that the students will not be asked for the total and merely theoretical development of two contents of a complete subject of the program.
By agreement of the Xunta de Facultade, the students who do not follow a continuous assessment or those who miss more than 15 percent of the session will attend a final theoretical-practical exam on or 100% of the note, different from the previous one, not that it will endorse the acquisition of all the global skills of the subject.
Extraordinary call end of degree: a) Type of exam: Students will carry out a theoretical-practical exam on a totality
two contents gives matter; b) Assessment system: o 100% of the grade will change depending on the result of the theoretical-practical exam.
As datas and schedules of tests of assessment of different calls are specified as no calendar of tests
of approval approved by the Xunta de Facultade and published on the Web
It is not allowed to take or examine any electronic device.
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