Guia docente 2020_21
Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Statistics: Statistics
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing The theoretical content of the subject will be evaluated by means of test in all the exams that are carried out 10 B1
Problem solving The evaluation related to problem solving will be done by solving practical exercises in all the exams that are carried out. 30 B3
Essay questions exam In the ordinary call an exam will be made. This exam will have a theoretical part (test type), as well as a practical part (problems).

(see the following section for a detailed description of the evaluation sysmtem)
60 B1
Other comments on the Evaluation

Each student will be able to choose whether they want a continuous evaluation or an evaluation through a single final exam. It will be considered that a student chooses the first option (continuous assessment) if he/she attends the midterm exam, while it will be assumed that he/she chooses the second option (final exam) if he/she does not take the midterm exam.

The student that chooses continuous evaluation, will perform a midterm exam of lessons 1 and 2 (first part of the subject) during the course. Said exam will consist of a theoretical test (with a weight of 25%) and a practical part of resolution of exercises (with a weight of 75%).

In the case of passing the midterm exam with a grade greater than or equal to 5, this part will be considered approved and in the final exam only lessons 3 and 4 will be evaluated (second part of the subject), which will consist of an exam with a theretical test (with a weight of 25%) and a practical part of solving exercises (with a weight of 75%), as described before. The student will have in this case a grade for each part of the subject: the grade of the first part will be that obtained in the midterm exam and the grade of the second part will be the one obtained in the exam of the ordinary call.

In the case of not passing the midterm exam, in the exam of the official call the exams of the two parts of the subject will be solved (each one of which will consist of a theoretical test and problems with the weighting described before). In this case, the grade of the first part will be calculated as the weighted average of the grade in the midterm exam (40%) and of the grade obtained in the first part of the exam of the ordinary call (60%). The grade of the second part of the subject will be the one obtained in the exam.

Alternatively to the continuous assessment system, the student may choose to be evaluated with a final exam that will mean 100% of the grade. The structure of this final exam will consist of two parts as described above.

In any of the three cases described above, in order to pass the sbject it will be necessary to obtain at least 3.5 points in each of the parts and that the average of both grades is greater than or equal to 5. In case the grade obtained in each part is at least 3.5, the final grade of the subject will be calculated as the average between the grades obtained in both parts, otherwise, the final grade will be calculated as the minimum between the average of the two grades and a 4.

The evaluation in the extraordinary call, as well as in the final call in october, will be through the completion of an exam (with the same structure as described above) that will mean 100% of the qualification.

The dates of the final exams of the different calls will be available on the website of the faculty:

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000