Guia docente 2020_21
Facultade de Bioloxía
Máster Universitario en Bioloxía Mariña
  Conservation Biology
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to the Biology of the Conservation 1.1. What is and how arises the discipline.
1.2. *Biodiversidad Marine
2. Diversity in the half marine 2.1. History and current state of the knowledge
2.2. General patterns of geographic distribution
2.3. Means *pelágico and *bentónico
2.4. The means *estuarinos
3. Species loomed. Extinctions 3.1. Definitions
3.2. Temporary patterns of *biodiversidad
3.3. Human development and extinctions
3.4. Half aquatic: current state and estimate of taxes of extinction
4. Overexploitation of resources 4.1. Exploitation of natural resources *vs sustainability
4.2 Half marine: Evolution, current state and tendency of the *pesquerías world-wide
4.3. Ecological effects of the fishing: (to) direct Effects on species (*b) Effects on the ecosystems
4.4. Biological theory of the sustainable exploitation and models of management of the *pesquerías: Models of production *vs management *ecosistémica of the *pesquerías
4.5. The marine reservations like tool of management *pesquera: marine Reservations of interest *pesquero in Galicia: You *miñarzos
5. Species *invasoras 5.1. To what call species *invasoras.
5.2. Effects on the environment.
5.3. Roads of introduction of *invasoras in the half marine.
5.4. Spanish catalogue of Species *Invasoras.
6. Climatic change 6.1. Concept.
6.2. Changes observed in the last 100 years. 6.3. Climatic change in Galicia.
6.4. Changes in the half physicist and biotic.
7. The parasitism in the half marine 7.1. Parasitic system/*hospedador: biological Cycles and specificity
7.2. Biological cycles and transmission of the marine parasites
7.3. *Ecoparasitología
8. The *biodiversidad parasitic 8.1. Main parasitic groups presents in the half marine
8.2. Technicians of preparation, conservation and identification of marine parasites
9. Parasitism and conservation 9.1. Dynamics of parasitic populations-*hospedador: populational regulation of parasites and *hospedadores
9.1.1. Massive mortalities
9.1.2. Parasites and biological control
9.2. Parasites like *biomarcadores
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