Guia docente 2020_21
Centro Universitario da Defensa na Escola Naval Militar de Marín (Pontevedra)
Grao en Enxeñaría Mecánica
  Theory of structures and industrial constructions
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing Written tests: theoretical questions and problems
The written tests aim to evaluate the learning of all the theoretical contents of the subject. There will be two partial tests and one final exam. Each partial test will contribute 20% of the final grade of the student. The final exam, which will cover all the subject matter, will have a weight of 40% in the final grade. The written tests will consist of a series of questions and exercises that give priority to the conceptual and logical reasoning, in order to verify the intellectual maturity of the students to obtain conclusions from the notions or theories exposed in class. All tests will be evaluated for a total of 10 points.
70 B3
Laboratory practical The students must present a report of practices for each laboratory practice performed (in case the practice is done in group, only one practice will be delivered per group). Each report will be evaluated on 10 points. The final grade of practices will be the average value of the grades obtained in each practice delivered. 10 B3
Seminars Throughout the course (in particular during the seminar hours), different exercises will be proposed to students, who may do them in groups or individually. Each of these exercises will be evaluated over 10 points. The grade of this item will be the average value of the grades obtained in each deliverable. 10 B3
Mentored work Group work that must be accompanied with a memory and an oral presentation. The work will be valued on a maximum of 10 points. 10 B3
Other comments on the Evaluation

A numerical rating system with values between 0 and 10 will be used, according to the current legislation (R.D. 1125/2003 de 5 de septiembre, B.O.E. nº224 de 18 de septiembre).

Ordinary call: continuous evaluation

The continuous evaluation method (EC) will assess the results achieved by the students in the different activities carried out throughout the course, which will be grouped as follows: Final Test (PF), Theoretical-Practical Controls (CT), Memories of Practices (MP), Evaluables Exercises (EE), and Final Work (TF). The grade of each part will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the items made up to the moment of the evaluation in that part.

There will be two tests of evaluation of theoretical-practical knowledge (CT) throughout the course. The student must present a report for each laboratory practice provided that it is indicated in the realization of the same, which will be evaluated in item MP. In the seminar and / or theory class hours, the student may be offered the completion and delivery of different exercises, which will be evaluated in item EE. In the event that a student is unable to attend a session in which exercises that can be evaluated due to force majeure are carried out, the student must notify the teachers by email so that they have a record and this circumstance is taken into account at the time of the evaluation. In addition, the students must carry out and present a group work on the social, environmental, safety and health aspects in the design and construction of industrial buildings (see practice 7), which will be evaluated in item TG. The final continuous assessment test (PF) will include all the contents of the subject and will have a weight of 40% in the final grade of continuous assessment. 

The grade of the continuous evaluation (NEC), will be the result of applying the weighted average to all the evaluated parts; that is, it will be calculated as follows:

NEC= 0.4 PF+0.15 CT1+0.15 CT2+0.1 MP++0.1 EE+0.1 TG

The student will pass the subject by continuous evaluation when each and every one of the following requirements is met:

  1. Have completed all evaluable tasks (except duly justified cases)
  2. Have a score of at least 4 points out of 10 in the continuous assessment final exam (PF)
  3. Have a NEC value greater than or equal to 5 points (out of 10)

In case of not fulfilling any of the first two requirements, the final grade of continuous evaluation will be equal to the minimum value between NEC and 4 points.

Ordinary call: ordinary exam

Those students who fail to pass the subject by the continuous assessment method, must do the ordinary exam, where all the competences of the subject will be assessed. The results of this exam will suppose 100% of the student's final grade, being an essential requirement to pass the course to obtain a grade of at least 5 points out of 10.

Students who have passed the subject by continuous evaluation will have the possibility of taking the ordinary exam to improve their grade.

Extraordinary call

Students who have not passed the subject in the ordinary call will take an extraordinary exam that will have the same format and the same requirements as the ordinary exam.

Ethical commitment

In their double condition of military and student of the University of Vigo, students are subject to the obligations derived from both institutions. As regards a university student, the University Student Statute, approved by Royal Decree 1791/2010 of December 30, establishes in its article 12, point 2d, that the university student has the duty to abstain from using or cooperation in fraudulent procedures in assessment tests, in the work carried out or in official university documents. Likewise, the LCM, in its article 4 concerning the rules of behavior of the military, establishes in its fifteenth rule that the latter will carry out his duties and obligations exactly, driven by the feeling of honor, ...

Therefore, the student is expected to have adequate ethical behavior. If during the course unethical behavior is detected in the performance of any evaluable test or exercise (copying, plagiarism, use of unauthorized electronic devices or others), the student in question will not pass the subject by continuous evaluation (in which he will obtain a rating of 0.0). Likewise, if this type of behavior were detected in the ordinary exam or in the extraordinary exam, the student would obtain a grade of 0.0 in such call.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000